
Azure Media Services Content Protection code samples

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Azure Media Services will be retired June 30th, 2024. For more information, see the AMS Retirement Guide.

This article is a listing of code samples for Content Protection.

Basic content protection

Deliver basic AESClearKey content protection and streaming

This sample demonstrates how to dynamically encrypt your content with AES-128.

.NET NodeJS Python

Deliver basic Playready DRM content protection and streaming

This sample demonstrates how to encode and stream using PlayReady DRM.

.NET Node.JS Python

Deliver basic Widevine DRM content protection and streaming

This sample demonstrates how to encode and stream using Widevine DRM.

.NET Node.JS Python

Combined content protection

Upload and stream HLS and DASH with PlayReady and Widevine DRM

This sample demonstrates how to encode and stream using Widevine and PlayReady DRM.

not yet available Node.JS Python

Offline content protection

Deliver offline Fairplay

This sample demonstrates how to dynamically encrypt your content with FairPlay DRM and play the content without requesting a license from license service.

.NET Node.JS not yet available Python not yet available

Deliver offline PlayReady and Widevine

This sample demonstrates how to dynamically encrypt your content with PlayReady and Widevine DRM and play the content without requesting a license from license service.

.NET Node.JS not yet available Python not yet available

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