Azure Media Services Deleted Automatically
Hi, I suspect that my Azure Media Services instance was automatically deleted by Microsoft after exceeding the 90-day grace period. To verify this, I checked the Activity Logs and Logs under Monitor but found no indication of the service's removal. I…
Will you please create this as an upgrade to windows 12?
When you create Microsoft Windows Media Player in Windows 12 when it comes out, make sure that it be able to play anything of every format that's available all over the internet and it needs a media store and a section where you can stream anything you…
Cutting out the middle of a video
I am using teams for teaching a class. I recorded within Teams. I had a time period where I asked students to go do something but I did not stop the recording. Is there a way to get rid of the 15 minutes of silence? In the future, if I stop recording…
"Account Configuration now" option is redirecting to 404 screen
EZDRM set up done for widevine service but "Account Configuration now" redirects to 404 screen. Any solution or advice?
Urgent Assistance Required for Restoring Access to Azure Subscription
I am writing to request urgent assistance with my Azure subscription. Unfortunately, I accidentally removed the IAM roles, which has resulted in losing access to the resources under the subscription. Despite this, the resources are still being…
How can i access API Key of the video indexer?
I have problem accessing my API Key of video indexer. I go on Azure video indexer portal, in the subscription details section, in order to access my API Key, but that API Key remain linked to an old one istance of the video indexer and i can't access…

why my media player shows 0xC00D36BB or 0xc00D36B6 code ?
so this is the problem I am exporting the video from davinci resolve and it shows me this code and after playing video it randomly stops
Azure Video Indexer - Cannot get the insights widget to work
I'm new to using Azure Video Indexer and have been playing around with the code samples to try out the service. So far, everything works great except for one thing - no matter what I do, I am unable to get the video insights widget to load correctly as…
How to upgrade Video Analyzer for Media from Trial to Unlimited
Here is a short story about trying to get the Azure Video Analyzer for Media API to work. At all. Long story short: I cannot do it. Trial Account Basically, I started here at the aptly named “Tutorial: Use the Video Analyzer for Media API” page:…

Unable to create Media Service account.
Hi. I want to create Azure Media Services, but I have a problem with permission.How can we solve this problem? { "code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment", "message": "Deployment failed with multiple errors:…
Which service on Azure is best for video storage, retrival and streaming?
I currently have a database that stores the videos I upload through my app. The file paths are saved in the database, while the actual video files are stored in a local folder. I want to move both my database and the videos to the cloud. Additionally, I…

With Azure Media Services retired, is there a way to transcode videos?
I used to use "Media Encoder Standard" on a CloudMediaContext.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask() call against, but that no longer works. Does Azure provide any other video encoding services?
azur et CDN
Hello, we have an AZURE account with encoded videos stored on Azure CDN. It's just the Azure encoding service which closes on June 30. Our data stored on Microsoft CDN remains online and accessible?

If I delete an Azure Media Service, what happens to my video files in the storage account?
I have finished migrating to MediaKind for video streaming, which leaves the video files in place on my storage account. I do not want to pay for another 90 days of AMS until the automatic delete happens, so I was considering deleting the Azure Media…
Is there a replacement for Azure Media Services or Is Microsoft Leaving this Market?
We are just looking to introduce audio/video streaming into Power Apps apps. I see Azure Media Services as an option but see it is to be retired June 2024 and that we should use Partners solutions. Is Microsoft looking to leave this space then? Are…
How Azure Media Services API will response for requests sent after 30th of June
I have questions regarding Azure Media Services like converting/transform one video format file to another. How AMS will behave after 30th of June if I will try to send CreateOrUpdate asset or transform operation request? Will API do not accept request…

VM Selection - Which VM Should I Use to Create Media Ads
Hi, I am going to create videos and adds based by using own phyton logic. I will call multiple open apis,Gen Apis etc based on response othis api will create videos from own phyton logic .I should manage 250 concurrent videos creations (250 concurrent…
Migrating from Azure Media Service, with same URI's
I've just read the mail about AMS going down on June 30. We have a lot of HLS URIs which are hardcoded into multiple clients and now that we need to migrate to a new service, I'm afraid that the URIs will change and that our clients will become…
Execute an mp4 file from Container blob
Clearly clueless. Just uploaded to an Azure storage container, the family jpg and mp4 files for storage and occasional review. Now that I see Azure Media Services is being retired, curious how to simply run/execute mp4 files for viewing? Starting to…
Azure blob store \ Azure Media service streaming .mp4 video on desktop browser for internal and external user
Hi , I'm planning to use Azure Blob Storage to host the .mp4 videos and to be played in desktop browser with the daily active external users (managed through LDAP) of 1500- 2000 per day. I'm just wondering if Azure Blob Storage can handle this request…