
Go live API


The Cloud Partner Portal APIs are integrated with and will continue working in Partner Center. The transition introduces small changes. Review the changes listed in Cloud Partner Portal API Reference to ensure your code continues working after transitioning to Partner Center. CPP APIs should only be used for existing products that were already integrated before transition to Partner Center; new products should use Partner Center submission APIs.

This API starts the process for pushing an app to production. This operation is usually long-running. This call uses the notification email list from the Publish API operation.

POST https://cloudpartner.azure.com/api/publishers/<publisherId>/offers/<offerId>/golive?api-version=2017-10-31

URI parameters

Name Description Data type
publisherId Publisher identifier for the offer to retrieve, for example contoso String
offerId Offer identifier of the offer to retrieve String
api-version Latest version of the API Date

Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Body example


Migrated offers

Location: /api/publishers/contoso/offers/contoso-offer/operations/56615b67-2185-49fe-80d2-c4ddf77bb2e8?api-version=2017-10-31

Non-migrated offers

Location: /api/operations/contoso$contoso-offer$2$preview?api-version=2017-10-31

Response Header

Name Value
Location The relative path to retrieve this operation's status

Response status codes

Code Description
202 Accepted - The request was successfully accepted. The response contains a location to track the operation status.
400 Bad/Malformed request - Additional error information is found within the response body.
404 Not found - The specified entity does not exist.