
Publish an offer


The Cloud Partner Portal APIs are integrated with and will continue working in Partner Center. The transition introduces small changes. Review the changes listed in Cloud Partner Portal API Reference to ensure your code continues working after transitioning to Partner Center. CPP APIs should only be used for existing products that were already integrated before transition to Partner Center; new products should use Partner Center submission APIs.

Starts the publishing process for the specified offer. This call is a long running operation.

POST https://cloudpartner.azure.com/api/publishers/<publisherId>/offers/<offerId>/publish?api-version=2017-10-31

URI parameters

Name Description Data type
publisherId Publisher identifier, for example contoso String
offerId Offer identifier String
api-version Latest version of the API Date

Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer YOUR_TOKEN


Migrated offers

Location: /api/publishers/contoso/offers/contoso-offer/operations/56615b67-2185-49fe-80d2-c4ddf77bb2e8?api-version=2017-10-31

Nonmigrated offers

Location: /api/operations/contoso$contoso-offer$2$preview?api-version=2017-10-31

Response Header

Name Value
Location The relative path to retrieve this operation's status

Response status codes

Code Description
202 Accepted - The request was successfully accepted. The response contains a location that can be used to track the operation that is launched.
400 Bad/Malformed request - The error response body might provide more information.
422 Un-processable entity - Indicates that the entity to be published failed validation.
404 Not found - The entity specified by the client doesn't exist.

API versions and updates

Update What has changed?
12-2022 CPP public API (version 2017-10-31) is now updated to capture clientId and clientSecret for marketo connector while configuring customer leads. During lead configuration you need not provide the serverId field going forward. This update to the API doesn't involve any version updates or breaking changes.