

plannerTeamsPublicationInfo resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Contains detailed information about the publication process that created a plannerTask. A publication process creates copies of tasks based on a template. These tasks are created in multiple plans, and have restricted permissions for the users; for example, they cannot be deleted and users might be blocked from editing certain fields. Publication is used to distribute tasks across an organization and track their progress centrally. This type derives from plannerTaskCreation.


Property Type Description
teamsPublicationInfo plannerTeamsPublicationInfo Information about the publication process that created this task. This field is deprecated and should not be used in this resource type. Inherited from plannerTaskCreation.
creationSourceKind plannerCreationSourceKind Specifies what kind of creation source the task is created with. The possible values are: external, publication and unknownFutureValue. The value of this property will be publication. Inherited from plannerTaskCreation.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time when this task was last modified by the publication process. Read-only.
publicationId String The identifier of the publication. Read-only.
publishedToPlanId String The identifier of the plannerPlan this task was originally placed in. Read-only.
publishingTeamId String The identifier of the team that initiated the publication process. Read-only.
publishingTeamName String The display name of the team that initiated the publication process. This display name is for reference only, and might not represent the most up-to-date name of the team. Read-only.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerTeamsPublicationInfo",
  "creationSourceKind": "String-value",
  "publicationId": "String",
  "publishingTeamId": "String",
  "publishingTeamName": "String",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "publishedToPlanId": "String"