GraphQL monitoring dashboard and logging (preview)
Monitoring Dashboard and Logging feature for Fabric API for GraphQL is in preview.
After deploying an API for GraphQL in Fabric, you may want to understand how the API is being used by clients and troubleshoot errors in case there are any problems with the API. Use the Fabric GraphQL monitoring dashboard to visualize, monitor, and troubleshoot your GraphQL API request activity. This feature is currently in preview. This article explains how to enable monitoring and use the dashboard's components effectively.
- Enabled workspace monitoring. For more information, see Workspace Monitoring Overview and follow the steps to enable workspace monitoring.
- Before you start using the monitoring and logging capabilities, you must have an API for GraphQL in Fabric. For more information, see Create an API for GraphQL in Fabric and add data.
- Monitoring feature incurs additional charges against your capacity.
- Workspace monitoring is disabled by default.
- Data retention for activity monitoring is limited to 30 days.
Enabling GraphQL API monitoring
In this section, we walk you through the steps needed to enable monitoring for your API for GraphQL. By default, this feature is turned off.
To enable metrics and/or logging experience for each API for GraphQL in your tenant, open your GraphQL API and then select on Settings icon:
From the API settings window, select the Monitoring (preview) option from the left-hand menu. If workspace monitoring hasn't been already enabled, you'll see a note guiding you to go to the workspace settings to enable it.
After you enable monitoring for the workspace, you'll see the options to enable Metrics only (API dashboard), Logging only (API requests), or both. The metrics and logs are saved to separate tables in Kusto, and you can enable each feature separately depending on your requirement. By default, both options are turned off:
Metrics and logging data is separately sent to the Kusto database associated with the workspace and it incurs additional costs. For further information about the cost and consumption usage, see the Workspace Monitoring Announcement.
API request activity
Once monitoring is enabled, the API request activity option in the top ribbon from the GraphQL API becomes active. Select it to access monitoring details.
The API request activity consists of two primary views:
- API dashboard (for Metrics): This page displays all counters and graphs for the specified time range.
- API requests (for Logging): This page lists API requests within the specified time range.
In the following sections, we describe the functionality of each option.
Metrics (API dashboard)
The API dashboard provides an overview of API activity for you with various metrics and visuals. To access, from the API request activity page, select API dashboard tab. You're now able to view at a glance the following parameters for a specific time range:
Overall GraphQL API Health index that includes:
- API request/sec
- Success rate
- Health Status
Number of API requests
Number of requests in bar chart illustrating number of successes and errors
By hovering over the graph, you can see the detailed information for a specific data point in a tooltip.
Metrics Key Features:
Time Range Selection: You can select different time ranges for the data displayed in the monitoring graphs. Note that due to workspace monitoring limits, the data retention is only available for 30 days.
API Request/sec: You can view the number of API requests made each second in the selected time range.
Success rate: You can view the success rate which is the number of successful requests over the total number of requests in the selected time range.
Overall GraphQL API Health index based on success rate per API:
Green: 75 -100% of requests are successful (Healthy)
Yellow: 50 - 74% of requests are successful (Needs Attention)
Red: Bellow 50% successful requests (Unhealthy)
Total Number of API requests: You can view the total number of API requests in the selected time range.
Latency line chart: By hovering your mouse over graphs, you would be able to see the latency and date for each data point.
Number of requests bar chart, differentiating between success requests and errors: By hovering over graphs, you would be able to see the date and number of successes and errors for each data point.
When you see abnormal behavior on the dashboard that requires your attention, you can further investigate by looking into logs to identify potential issues and find out which requests failed and have higher latency and start looking into log details to troubleshoot. To access logging details, select the API requests tab from the API request activity page.
Logging (API requests)
The API requests page provides detailed information about all the API requests that happened in a specific time frame. To access, select the API requests tab from the API request activity page.
Logging Key Features:
- Time Range Selection: You can select different time ranges for the data displayed in the requests list (Hour/Day/Week/Month). Note there's 30 days retention limit.
- View a list of recent API requests and past requests listed with Request ID.
- View the type of the operation (Query or Mutation).
- View the transport protocol used by the request (HTTP).
- View the time of request.
- Sort the list of requests by ascending/descending time.
- View duration of request.
- Sort the list of requests by ascending/descending duration.
- View response size.
- View the Status (Success or Failure).
- View the details of the request, including specific response/warning/error messages.
- Filter and search for specific strings or sentences.
- Resize columns and sort the columns (ascending/descending) from the report table.