

Fraud language reference


As of February 3, 2025, Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is no longer available for purchase. Support for Fraud Protection will end on February 3, 2026. For more information, refer to the End of support for Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection article.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 has its own rich and expressive language to help you define and express your fraud strategy. This language has many similarities to C# and SQL, and is designed to give you the flexibility that you need to address fraud for your unique business scenarios.

You can use this language today to define rules and velocities. For more information, see Manage rules and Perform velocity checks.

This fraud language reference guide includes the complete list of operators, functions, and statements that make up the language:


Statement syntax Description Example
LET <VariableName> = <Expression>

A LET statement is used to define a new variable. The scope of the variable is the rule or velocity set the variable is defined in. Variable names should be prefixed with a dollar sign ($).

For more information, see Defining your own variables.

Any number of LET statements can be used in the Condition section and the clauses of all rule types and velocity sets.

LET $fullName = @"user.firstName" + @"user.lastName"


OBSERVE <ObservationFunction>(<KeyValuePairs>)
[ WHEN <BooleanExpression>


An OBSERVE statement doesn't terminate rule execution with a decision. It merely logs key-value pairs to either the API response or trace logs. Subsequent rules and rule clauses continues to run until a RETURN statement is reached.

An OBSERVE statement must be followed by one or more observation functions.

If a WHEN clause is present and is evaluated to False, the OBSERVE statement isn't logged.

A maximum of one can be used for each clause in the following rules:

  • Purchase rules
  • Custom Assessment rules
  • Account Protection rules

    OBSERVE Output(reason="high score")

    OBSERVE TRACE(ip=@"device.ipAddress") WHEN Model.Risk().Score > 400

    RETURN <DecisionFunction>
    [ ,<ObservationFunction>(<KeyValuePairs>) ]
    [ WHEN <BooleanExpression> ]

    A RETURN statement terminates rule execution with a decision.

    The statement must specify a valid decision function: Approve(), Reject(), Challenge(), or Review().

    The statement can also specify one or more observation functions: Output() or Trace()

    Finally, the statement can include a WHEN clause to specify the condition under which it should do any of the preceding.

    A maximum of one can be used per clause in the following rules:

    • Purchase rules
    • Custom Assessment rules
    • Account Protection rules

      RETURN Review()
      WHEN IsWatch("Device Support List", @"deviceAttributes.deviceId") ||
      IsWatch("Payment Support List", @"paymentInstrumentList.merchantPaymentInstrumentId")

      RETURN Reject(), Trace(ip=@"device.ipAddress") WHEN Model.Risk().Score > 400

      ROUTETO QUEUE <QueueName>
      [ WHEN <BooleanExpression> ]

      The ROUTETO command is used in routing rules to direct matching assessments to case management queues.

      The optional WHEN clause can be used to describe the conditions under which the command should perform the routing.

      A maximum of one can be used per clause in routing rules.

      ROUTETO Queue("High Value Queue")
      WHEN @"purchase.request.totalAmount" > 500
      SELECT <AggregationFunction>
      AS <VelocityName>
      FROM <AssesmentType>
      GROUPBY <GroupExpression>
      [ WHEN <BooleanExpression> ]

      A SELECT statement is used in velocity sets to define a velocity. It must specify an aggregation function.

      The required AS clause is used to create an alias for your velocity. This alias can then be referenced from rules.

      The required FROM clause is used to specify the assessment type to observe a velocity on. Valid values are Purchase, AccountLogin, AccountCreation, Chargeback, BankEvent, and CustomAssessment.

      The required GROUPBY clause specifies a property or an expression. All events that are evaluated to the same value in the GROUPBY statement are combined to calculate the aggregation requested in the SELECT statement.

      For example, to calculate an aggregation for each user, use GROUPBY @"user.userId".

      The optional WHEN clause specifies a Boolean expression that determines whether the assessment that's being processed should be included in the velocity that's being defined.

      A maximum of one can be used per clause in velocity sets.

      SELECT Count() AS _Purchase_Rejections_Per_Email
      FROM Purchase
      WHEN @"ruleEvaluation.decision" == "Reject"
      GROUPBY @""

      SELECT DistinctCount(@"purchaseId")
      AS _BankDeclines_Per_Device
      FROM BankEvent
      WHEN @"status" == "DECLINED"
      GROUPBY @"purchase.deviceContext.externalDeviceId"

      WHEN <BooleanExpression>

      The WHEN statement is like the WHEN clauses on the other statements, but it stands alone in the Condition section of rules and velocity sets. It specifies a Boolean condition that determines whether the whole rule, velocity set, or routing rule should run.

      A maximum of one can be used in the Condition section of all rule types and velocity sets.

      WHEN Model.Risk().Score > 400
      DO <Action function> A DO statement is used to perform some action at the end of rule execution. This statement can only be used in Post-decision actions DO SetResponse(name = @”firstname” + @”lastname”)

      Referencing attributes and variables

      You can use the at sign (@) operator to reference an attribute from the current event.

      Variable Description Example

      An at sign (@) is used to reference an attribute from the incoming event. The attribute might be sent as part of the request payload, or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection might generate it.

      After the at sign (@), specify the full path of the attribute that you want to reference. Enclose the path in quotation marks (for example, @"").

      If the referenced attribute isn't part of the event payload, the default value for that type is returned: 0.0 for doubles, an empty string for strings, and so on.

      The type of the attribute is inferred from the context the attribute is used in. If not enough context is provided, the String type is used by default.

      For information about type inference, see Type inference of attributes.


      $ A dollar sign ($) is used to reference a variable that is defined in a LET statement. For more information, see Defining your own variables. $fullName

      This variable is used to index array variables.

      If the request payload for an assessment contains an array of items, you can access individual elements of the array by using the following syntax: @"productList[0]".

      To access an attribute of that element, use the following syntax: @"productList[0].productId"




      This operator checks whether a variable exists in the event payload.

      Exists(String variable)

      Request.CorrelationId() This function references the unique Correlation ID of the event being evaluated. You can use this function to access the Correlation ID of an event in the rules experience and pass it to an external call as a parameter or a header. External.MyExternalCall(Request.CorrelationId())
      .GetDiagnostics() This function can be used to discover important diagnostic and debug information from an external call or an external assessment response. For an external call, the Diagnostics object contains the Request payload, Endpoint, HttpStatus code, Error message, and Latency. Endpoint isn't available in the Diagnostic object for an external assessment response. Any of these fields can be used in the rules once the Diagnostics object is created using its corresponding extension method".GetDiagnostics()"

      LET $extResponse = External. myCall(@"device.ipAddress")

      LET $extResponseDiagnostics = $extResponse.GetDiagnostics()

      OBSERVE Output(Diagnostics = $extResponseDiagnostics)

      WHEN $extResponseDiagnostics. HttpStatusCode != 200

      Defining your own variables

      You can use the LET keyword to define a variable. That variable can then be referenced in other places in the rule. Prefix all variables by a dollar sign ($). For example, you declare the following variable.

      LET $fullName = @"user.firstName" + @"user.lastName"

      Variables that are declared in a LET statement can be used only within the scope of the rule or velocity set that the statement is defined in.

      For example, to reference the variable from the previous example, you can write the following statement.

      WHEN $fullName == "Kayla Goderich"


      After a variable is defined, it can't be updated with a new value.

      Global Variables functions

      You can use Global Variables functions to set and get variables within rules. Once global variables are set, they can be accessed within a decision rule, velocity, routing rules, and post-decision actions within the same environment or children environments. The hierarchy Fraud Protection uses is listed in the following table. For example, if you set global variables in a rule within the root environment, Fraud Protection can retrieve its value within any other rule in the same assessment in the same environment, or any children environments.

      Operator Description Example
      SetVariables(k=v) This function can be used to set key-value pairs, that is, set values to variables. Do SetVariables(key= 123, email=@"")
      GetVariable("k") This function can be used to access the variables that are already set. In cases where we access variables that are never set, a default value is returned.









      Global variables are specific to a single transaction for a given assessment. A variable set within one transaction can't be retrieved from another transaction or another assessment.

      Decision functions

      Decision functions are used in rules to specify a decision.

      Decision type Description Example

      This type specifies a decision of Approve. It can include a reason for the approval and another supporting message.


      • Approve(String reason)
      • Approve(String reason, String supportMessage)

      RETURN Approve()

      RETURN Approve("on safe list")

      RETURN Approve ("on safe list", "do not escalate")


      This type specifies a decision of Reject. It can include a reason for the rejection and another supporting message.


      • Reject(String reason)
      • Reject(String reason, String supportMessage)

      RETURN Reject()

      RETURN Reject("embargo country")

      RETURN Reject("embargo country", "do not escalate")


      This type specifies a decision of Review. It can include a reason for the review and another supporting message.


      • Review(String reason)
      • Review(String reason, String supportMessage)

      RETURN Review()

      RETURN Review("user on watch list")

      RETURN Review("user on watch list", "do not escalate")

      Challenge(String challengeType)

      This type specifies a decision of Challenge and a challenge type. It can also include a reason for the challenge and another supporting message.


      • Challenge(String challengeType, String reason)
      • Challenge(String challengeType, String reason, String supportMessage)

      RETURN Challenge ("SMS")

      RETURN Challenge ("SMS", "suspected bot")

      RETURN Challenge ("SMS", suspected bot", "do not escalate")

      Observation functions

      Observation functions can be used to take data from the current context and write it somewhere else.

      Return type Description Example
      Output(k=v) This function can be used to pass key-value pairs to the CustomProperties section of API response. The key-value pair would be nested within an object whose name would be the same as the name of the clause containing the Output() statement. Output(key="test", email=@"", countryRegion=Geo.CountryRegion(@"device.ipAddress"))
      Trace(k=v) This function can be used to trigger a Trace event and send key-value pairs to the FraudProtection.Trace.Rule Event Tracing namespace. Trace(key="Manual Review", ip=@"device.ipAddress")
      SetResponse(String sectionName, k=v) This function can be used to pass key-value pairs to the CustomProperties section of API response. The sectionName is an optional parameter that can be skipped. This function can only be used within Post Decision Actions; it isn't available within Decision Rule

      SetResponse("Scores", bot = Model.Bot(@deviceContextId), risk=Model.Risk())


      Response.Decision() This function references the decision for the current assessment being evaluated. Response.Decision() == "Approve"

      Aggregation functions

      Function Description Example
      Count() This function returns the number of times that an event occurred. SELECT Count() AS numPurchases
      DistinctCount(String key) This function returns the number of distinct values for the specified property. If the specified property is null or empty for an incoming event, the event doesn't contribute to the aggregation. SELECT DistinctCount(@"device.ipAddress") AS distinctIPs
      Sum(Double value) This function returns the sum of values for a specified numeric property. SELECT Sum(@"totalAmount") AS totalSpending

      Logical operators

      Operator Description Example
      and (&&) Logical And

      Model.Risk().Score > 500 && Model.Risk().Score < 800

      Model.Risk().Score > 500 and Model.Risk().Score < 800

      or (||) Logical Or

      @"email.isEmailUsername" == false || @"email.isEmailValidated" == false

      @"email.isEmailUsername" == false or @"email.isEmailValidated" == false

      not Logical negation @"email.isEmailUsername" not(!) @"email.isEmailUsername"

      Comparison operators

      Fraud Protection supports all standard C# comparison and equality operations. This table includes some examples of operators that you might find useful. If you apply these operators to strings, lexicographic comparisons occur.

      Operator Description Example
      == This operator checks for equality. @"user.countryRegion" == @"shippingAddress.countryRegion"
      != This operator checks for inequality. @"user.countryRegion" != @"shippingAddress.countryRegion"
      > This operator checks whether the first value is greater than the second value. Model.Risk().Score > 500
      < This operator checks whether the first value is less than the second value. Model.Risk().Score < 500
      >= This operator checks whether the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Model.Risk().Score >= 500
      <= This operator checks whether the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Model.Risk().Score <= 500
      X ? Y : Z This operator checks whether condition X is true or not. If it's true, the statement Y is executed and its result is returned. Otherwise, statement Z is executed and its result is returned. Multiple logical checks can also be combined together using brackets, to define a nested IF <> THEN <> ELSE <> logic LET $riskbucket = Model.Risk().Score > 500 ? "High" : (Model.Risk().Score > 300 ? "Medium" : "Low")

      Math functions

      Fraud Protection supports all standard C# math methods and arithmetic operators. This table includes some examples of methods that you might find useful.

      Operator Description Example
      Math.Min(Double value1, Double value2) This operator computes the minimum of two values. Math.Min(Model.Risk().Score, Model.Bot(@"").Score)
      Math.Max(Double value1, Double value2) This operator computes the maximum of two values. Math.Max(Model.Risk().Score, Model.Bot(@"").Score)
      RandomInt(Integer min, Integer max) This operator returns a random integer in the range provided, including the minimum value and excluding the maximum value. RandomInt(0, 100)

      DateTime operators

      Fraud Protection supports the standard C# DateTime properties, methods, and operators. This table includes some examples of functions and properties that you might find useful.

      Operator Description Example
      UtcNow This operator gets a DateTime object that is set to the current date and time on the computer, expressed as UTC. DateTime.UtcNow
      Today This operator gets an object that is set to the current date, where the time component is set to 00:00:00. DateTime.Today
      Subtract This operator returns a new DateTime by subtracting a specified date and time from an input DateTime. DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(@var1.ToDateTime())
      DaysSince(DateTime date) This operator returns an integer that represents the number of days that passed between the specified DateTime value and the current date (expressed as Coordinated Universal Time [UTC]). DaysSince(@"user.CreationDate")
      Year This operator gets the year component of the date represented by this instance. @"user.creationDate".Year
      Date This operator gets a new object that has the same date as this instance, but where the time value is set to 00:00:00 (midnight). @"user.creationDate".Date

      Type casting operators

      For information about type inferencing, see the Type inference of attributes section later in this article.

      Operator Description Example

      This operator converts the string to datetime and converts datetime to a string using the given format.


      This operator converts the specified value to Int32.


      This operator converts the specified value to Double.


      String functions

      Fraud Protection supports the standard C# string class. This table includes some examples of functions and operators that you might find useful.

      Operator Description Example
      StartsWith() This operator checks whether a string begins with a specified prefix. @"user.phoneNumber".StartsWith("1-")
      EndsWith() This operator checks whether a string ends with a specified suffix. @"".EndsWith("")
      IsNumeric() This operator checks whether a string is a numeric value. @"".IsNumeric()

      This operator returns the number of characters in the string.

      ToDateTime() This operator converts a string to a DateTime object. @"user.creationDate".ToDateTime()
      ToDouble() This operator converts a string to a Double value. @"productList.purchasePrice".ToDouble()
      ToInt32() This operator converts a string to an Int32 value. @"zipcode".ToInt32()
      ToUpper() This operator returns a copy of this string converted to uppercase. @"user.username".ToUpper()
      ToLower() This operator returns a copy of this string converted to lowercase. @"user.username".ToLower()
      IndexOf() This operator reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a given substring within the specified string. @"user.username".IndexOf("@")
      LastIndexOf() This operator reports the zero-based index of the last occurrence of a given substring within the specified string. @"user.username".LastIndexOf("@")
      Substring() This operator returns a substring starting from a zero-based index within a string, with a second optional parameter specifying the length of desired substring @"user.username".Substring(0,5)
      IsNullOrEmpty() This operator returns if the specified string is null or empty. Returns false otherwise. @"user.username".IsNullOrEmpty()
      IgnoreCaseEquals() This operator returns true if the two strings are equal, regardless of casing differences. Returns false otherwise. @"user.username".IgnoreCaseEquals(@"")
      Contains() This operator checks whether a string contains another string. @"productList.productName".Contains("Xbox")
      ContainsOnly() This operator checks whether a string contains only the charsets provided. @"zipcode".ContainsOnly(CharSet.Numeric)
      ContainsAll() This operator checks whether a string contains all the charsets provided. @"zipcode".ContainsAll(CharSet.Numeric|CharSet.Hyphen)
      ContainsAny() This operator checks whether a string contains any of the charsets provided. @”zipcode”.ContainsAny(CharSet.Numeric|CharSet.Hyphen)

      Using CharSet in ContainsOnly, ContainsAll, and ContainsAny

      The following character types can be used in ContainsOnly, ContainsAll, and ContainsAny.

      Character Type Description
      Alphabetic a-z, A-Z
      Apostrophe '
      Asperand @
      Backslash \
      Comma ,
      Hyphen -
      Numeric 0-9
      Period .
      Slash /
      Underscore _
      WhiteSpace Single space

      Gibberish detection functions

      These functions help prevent fraud by quickly and efficiently detecting whether key user-input fields (such as names and addresses) contain gibberish.

      Function Description Example
      GetPattern(String).maxConsonants Maximum number of contiguous consonants in a string that aren't separated by a vowel. For example, maxConsonants for the string "01gggyturah" is 5. GetPattern(@"").maxConsonants
      GetPattern(String).gibberScore ML based score between 0 and 1; 0 means most likely to be gibberish and 1 means least likely to be gibberish. GetPattern(@"").gibberScore


      Gibberish detection model is based on the frequency of two consecutive alphanumeric characters in publicly available english documents. It is assumed that the more frequently two consecutive alphanumeric characters appear in public documents, less likely that they are gibberish. The model should provide reasonable scores for english texts, and can be used to detect if the names or addresses contains gibberish. However, the model might not be suitable for abbreviations, such as short form for states (AZ, TX, etc.) and it also can't be used to validate names or addresses. Lastly, the model has not been tested for non-English texts.

      Pattern detection functions

      These functions help prevent fraud by quickly and efficiently detecting whether key user-input fields (such as names and addresses) contain gibberish.

      Function Description Example
      Patterns.IsRegexMatch(string pattern, string source) Performs a Regular Expression (regex) match of string pattern against a String source. The result is a boolean, that is, either true (indicating the given string matched the pattern) or false (indicating no match) Patterns.IsRegexMatch(“^.com$”, @ “”) Patterns.IsRegexMatch( “^.[aAeEiIoOuU]+.*$”, @ “user.firstname”)


      • The string pattern must be a constant input.
      • The function returns false (the default result) if the evaluation time exceeds 10 milliseconds.
      • All limitations that do not support NonBacktracking also apply to IsRegexMatch Function.

      Model functions

      Model functions run the various fraud models and are useful when your assessment doesn't automatically run one or more fraud models. When model functions run, information about the model running during rule evaluation is output in the fraud assessment API call. Then, the rule gets access to the model result, including score, reasons, and more, that can be used for further rule processing and decision making.

      Model type Description Example
      Risk Assesses the likelihood of a session being risky. Model.Risk()
      Bot Assesses the likelihood of a session being bot-initiated. Pass in a device context ID that was sent to Fraud Protection’s device fingerprinting solution. Model.Bot(@deviceContextId)

      Geo functions

      Geo functions provide resolution by converting an IP address to a geographical address. Geo functions can be invoked in rules only by using IPs that are part of transaction payload or collected by Fraud Protection by using Device Fingerprinting. Geo functions can't be invoked for arbitrary IP values.

      Operator Description Example
      Geo.RegionCode(String ip)

      This operator converts an IPv4 address to its US region code (that is, the abbreviation for the name of the US state or territory).

      For example, for an IP address in Washington state, "WA" is returned.

      Geo.Region(String ip)

      This operator converts an IPv4 address to its US region (that is, the name of the US state or territory).

      For example, for an IP address in Washington state, "Washington" is returned.

      Geo.CountryCode(String ip)

      This operator converts an IPv4 address to its country/region code.

      For example, for an IP address in Australia, "AU" is returned.

      Geo.CountryRegion(String ip)

      This operator converts an IP address to a region name.

      For example, for an IP address in Australia, "Australia" is returned.

      Geo.City(String ip)

      This operator converts an IPv4 address to a city name.

      For example, for an IP address in New York City, "New York City" is returned.

      Geo.MarketCode(String ip)

      This operator converts an IPv4 address to the market code of the IP address.

      For example, for an IP address from Canada, "NA" (North America) is returned.


      Device attribute functions

      Operator Description Example
      Device.GetFullAttributes(String sessionId) Returns a full set of device attributes for the specified device fingerprinting session. See Set up device fingerprinting to view the full set of device attributes Device.GetFullAttributes(@"")
      Device.GetAttributes(String sessionId) Returns a smaller subset of device attributes for the specified device fingerprinting session. The subset is a list curated by Fraud Protection and contains the most commonly used attributes. Device.GetAttributes(@"")
      Device.GetSelectedAttributes(String sessionId, String attributeName) Returns up to 20 device attributes for the specified device fingerprinting session. The list of desired attributes is to be specified as comma separated parameters Device.GetSelectedAttributes(@"", "deviceAsn","deviceCountryCode")
      Device.GetSpeedOfTravel(String sessionId) Returns the maximum travel speed of a device in miles per hour. Fraud Protection determines the maximum speed by taking the last five consecutive fingerprinting sessions and calculating the speed of the device from session to session, returning the maximum. The device is identified over sessions using the cookie ID. Device.GetSpeedOfTravel(@"")

      BIN Lookup functions

      BIN Lookup functions provide payment card account information (for example, card network, card type, card country code, card category) based on bank identification number (BIN). Data for BIN Lookup is sourced from leading third-party BIN data providers and then curated by Fraud Protection.

      Operator Description Example
      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).cardNetwork

      This function looks up BIN and returns card network (for example, Visa, Mastercard).

      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).cardType

      This operator looks up BIN and returns card type (for example, Debit, Credit).

      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).issuer

      This operator looks up BIN and returns issuing organization.

      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).countryCode

      This operator looks up BIN and returns ISO two-letter country code of the card.

      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).cardCategory

      This operator looks up BIN and returns card category (for example, Prepaid, Corporate, Rewards).

      BIN.Lookup(String BIN).error

      This operator looks up BIN and returns an error message if the BIN couldn't be found.


      List functions

      Fraud Protection lets you upload custom lists and reference them in the language. For information about how to upload these lists, see Manage lists. For more information about how to use lists in rules, see the Using lists in rules section later in this article.

      Operator Description Example
      String listName,
      String columnName,
      String key)
      This operator checks whether a key is contained in the specified column in a Fraud Protection list.

      The example in the next column checks whether the "Emails" column in the "Email Support List" list contains the @"" variable.

      ContainsKey("Email Support List", "Emails", @"")
      String listName,
      String keyColName,
      String valueColName)
      This operator looks up the value of a key in a Fraud Protection list. Both the name of the column that contains the key and the name of the column that contains the value must be specified.

      The value is always returned as a string. If the key isn't found, and if the defaultValue parameter isn't specified, "Unknown" is returned.

      The example in the next column looks for the value of @"" variable in the Emails column of the Email Support List list. If a match is found, the function returns the value of the Status column from the matching row in the list. If a match isn't found, the function returns 0.

      Lookup("Email Support List", "Emails", @"", "Status",0)
      In This operator checks whether a key is contained in a comma-separated list of values. In(@"user.countryRegion", "US, MX, CA")
      InSupportList This operator checks if an attribute is on a Support List. InSupportList('Email Support List', @"")
      IsSafe This operator checks if an entity is marked as Safe on a Support List. IsSafe('Email Support List', @"")
      IsBlock This operator checks if an entity is marked as Block on a Support List. IsBlock('Email Support List', @"")
      IsWatch This operator checks if an entity is marked as Watch on a Support List. IsWatch('Email Support List', @"")

      Using lists in rules

      You can use the ContainsKey and Lookup operators to reference lists that you uploaded to Fraud Protection. For more information about lists, see Manage lists.


      To check whether one of your lists contains a specific value, use the ContainsKey operator. Specify the list name, the column, and the key that you want to check for.

      For example, you upload a single-column list of risky email addresses and name it Risky email list.


      You can then use the following syntax to reject all transactions from the risky email addresses in this list.

      RETURN Reject("risky email") 
      WHEN ContainsKey("Risky email list", "Email", @"")

      This clause checks whether the "Email" column in the "Risky email list" list contains the @email key. If it does, the transaction is rejected.


      For multi-column lists, you can use the Lookup operator to check the value of a column for a specific key.

      For example, you create a list that has one column for email addresses and another column that indicates the status of those email addresses. You name this list Email List.

      Email Status Risky Risky Risky Safe Safe Safe

      You can then use the following syntax to reject all transactions from the email addresses in this list that have a status of Risky.

      RETURN Reject("risky email") 
      WHEN Lookup("Email List", "Email", @"", "Status") == "Risky"

      This clause looks for the @"" key in the "Email" column in the "Email List" list and checks whether the value in the "Status" column is Risky. If it is, the transaction is rejected.

      If the @"" key isn't found in the list, Fraud Protection returns "Unknown."

      You can also specify your own default value as the fifth parameter. For more information, see the Logical operators section earlier in this article.

      The Lookup operator always returns a String value. To convert this value to an Int, Double, or DateTime value, use a type casting operator.

      Using external calls, external assessments and velocities

      • To reference an external call, type External, followed by the external call that you want to reference. For more information, see Use an external call in rules.
      • To reference an external assessment, type Assessments, followed by the external assessment that you want to reference. For more information, see Use an external assessment in rules.
      • To reference a velocity, type Velocity, followed by the velocity that you want to reference. For more information, see Use a velocity in rules.

      Type inference of attributes

      Variable types are inferred from the context that they're used in. Here are some examples:

      • In the expression WHEN @isEmailValidated, the variable is interpreted as a Boolean value.
      • In the expression Model.Risk().Score > 500, the variable is interpreted as a Double value.
      • In the expression @"user.creationDate".Year < DateTime.UtcNow.Year, the variable is interpreted as a DateTime value.

      If there isn't enough context to infer the type of a variable, it's considered a String value. For example, in the expression Model.Risk().Score < Model.Bot(@"").Score, both variables are interpreted as strings.

      To specify the type of a nonstring variable, use a type casting operator.

      JSON arrays and objects

      FQL has support for the construction of complex structured objects as local variables, which can be passed through to the external call or external assessment in JSON form. As with all other locals in FQL, arrays and objects are immutable once created.

      JSON arrays

      Arrays are created by enclosing expressions in a pair of brackets:

      LET $arr1 = [ "hello", "world" ]
      LET $arr2 = [
        "this is also an array",

      JSON objects

      Objects are created with braces:

      LET $obj1 = { isObject: true }
      LET $obj2 = {
        numberField: 7,
        fieldIs: "string",
        internalObj: $obj1,
        inline: {
          innerInnerField: "hello"

      FQL functions for JSON arrays and objects

      Syntax Description Example
      myArr[0] You can use this syntax to access a specific array element by its index. myArr [0].property
      myArr [0][0]
      myArr [0][0].property
      myArr [0].property[0]
      myArr [0].property[0].property

      Where myArr, in the examples above, is an array. The source of this array can be the @@payloadProperty, external assessment response, external call response, local variable, or a global variable.

      The following are examples of how to use the syntax based on different array sources:

      • Array source: Payload
      LET $sample = @@"myArr[0]".AsJsonArray()   
      RETURN Approve()   
      WHEN $sample[0].AsString() == "a"
      • Array source: Local variable
        LET $group1 =["a", "b", "c"]
        LET $group1 =[{ item1: "a", item2: "b"}, { item1: "c", item2: "d"}]
        LET $group3 =[{ item1: "a", item2: "b", item3: ["c", "d"]}, {{ item1: "e", item2: "f", item3: ["g", "h"]}]
        RETURN Approve()
        WHEN $group1[0].AsString() == "a" && $group1[0].item2.AsString() == "b" && $group3[0].item3[0].AsString() == "c" 
      Syntax Description Example
      Array.GetValue (TargetArray .AsJsonArray(), matchKey, matchValue, lookupKey) With this function, you can access the first array element that matches a condition.

      Returns a value

      Array.GetValue(@@"payloadProperty".AsJsonArray(), matchKey, matchValue, lookupKey)
      Array.GetValues(TargetArray .AsJsonArray(), matchKey, matchValue) With this function, you can access a set of array elements that match a condition.

      Returns an array

      Array.GetValues(@@"payloadProperty".AsJsonArray(), matchKey, matchValue)

      The following are some more detailed examples of how to use the above syntax based on different array sources:

      Array Source Array.GetValue Array.GetValues
      External assessments LET $a = Assessments.myAssessment.evaluate()
      LET $sample = Array.GetValue($a.ruleEvaluations.AsJsonArray(), "rule", "Sample Payload Generation", "clauseNames")
      RETURN Approve()
      WHEN $sample[0].AsString() == "TestData"
      LET $a = Assessments.myAssessment.evaluate()
      LET $sample = Array.GetValues($a.ruleEvaluations.AsJsonArray(), "rule", "Sample Payload Generation")
      RETURN Approve()
      WHEN $sample[0].clauseNames[0].AsString() == "TestData"
      Payload Payload sample: {"group":[{"item1": "a", "item2": "a1"}, {"item1": "b", "item2": "b1"}]}

      LET $sample = Array.GetValue(@@"group".AsJsonArray(), "item1", "a", "item2")
      RETURN Approve()WHEN $sample.AsString() == "a1"
      Payload sample: { "group":[{"item1": "a", "item2": "a1"}, {"item1": "b", "item2": "b1"}]}

      LET $sample = Array.GetValues(@@"group".AsJsonArray(), "item1", "a")
      RETURN Approve()

      WHEN $sample[0].item2.AsString() == "a1"

      Global variables Using same payload sample as above

      Do SetVariables(Var=@@"group")
      LET $group = GetVariable("Var").AsJsonObject()
      LET $value = Array.GetValue($group, "item1", "a", "item2")
      RETURN Approve()
      WHEN $value.AsString() == "a1"
      Using same payload sample as above

      Do SetVariables(Var=@@"group")
      LET $group = GetVariable("Var").AsJsonObject()
      LET $arr = Array.GetValues($group.AsJsonArray(), "item1", "a")
      RETURN Approve()
      External call

      External call (myCall) response: {"group":[{"item1": "a", "item2": "a1"}, {"item1": "b", "item2": "b1"}]}

      LET $x = External.myCall().AsJsonObject()
      LET $value = Array.GetValue($[0].AsJsonObject(), "item1", "a", "item2")
      RETURN Approve()
      WHEN $value.AsString() == "a1"

      External call (myCall) response: {"group":[{"item1": "a", "item2": "a1"}, {"item1": "b", "item2": "b1"}]}

      LET $x = External.myCall().AsJsonObject()
      LET $arr = Array.GetValues($[0].AsJsonObject(), "item1", "a")
      RETURN Approve()WHEN $arr[0].item2.AsString() == "a1"

      Type casting for JSON arrays and objects

      • The following .As<Type>() are supported from the JsonObject:

        • AsString()
        • AsInt()
        • AsDouble()
        • AsDateTime()
        • AsBool()
        • AsJsonArray()
        • AsJsonObject()
      • When you use either of the two array helper methods, Array.GetValue or Arrays.GetValues, you need to type cast using .As<Type>(). Example:

        LET $arr = {myArr:[{item1: "red", number: 45}, {item1: "blue", number: 56}, {item1: "green", number: 33}]}
        LET $sample = Array.GetValues($arr.myArr.AsJsonArray(), "item1", "blue")
      • Once you converted data to a JSON object or array explicitly, you can use .As<Type>() to cast to a different data type, if needed. Example:

        RETURN Approve()
        WHEN $sample[0].number.AsInt() == 56
      • When you use @@, the data is implicitly type cast to a JSON object. If you then want to convert the JSON object to a different data type, you must use .As<Type>(). Example:

        LET $sample = @@”user.addresses”.AsJsonArray()
      • When you want to output in a certain format, you must use .As<Type>(). Example:

        LET $sample = @@”user.addresses”
        Output(abc = $sample.AsJsonArray())


      Type casting best practices:

      • Always type cast at the end of the . chain.
      • When you aren't sure, always explicitly type cast using .As<Type>(). Example:
      LET $sample = External.myCall().data[0].Item1[0].AsJsonArray()
      LET $sample = @@”accommodations[0].rooms”.AsJsonArray()

      Functions available within Post Decision Actions

      Following functions can be used within Post Decision Actions only. They aren't available within Decision Rules

      Syntax Description Example
      SetResponse(String sectionName, k=v) This function can be used to pass key-value pairs to the CustomProperties section of API response. The sectionName is an optional parameter that can be skipped. SetResponse("Scores", bot = Model.Bot(@deviceContextId), risk=Model.Risk())


      Response.Decision() This function references the decision for the current assessment being evaluated. Response.Decision() == "Approve"