SolutionComponent entity reference
- Artikkeli
A component of a CRM solution.
Property |
Value |
CollectionSchemaName |
SolutionComponents |
DisplayCollectionName |
Solution Components |
DisplayName |
Solution Component |
EntitySetName |
solutioncomponents |
IsBPFEntity |
False |
LogicalCollectionName |
solutioncomponentss |
LogicalName |
solutioncomponent |
OwnershipType |
None |
PrimaryIdAttribute |
solutioncomponentid |
PrimaryNameAttribute |
SchemaName |
SolutionComponent |
Read-only attributes
These attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.
Property |
Value |
Description |
The object type code of the component. |
DisplayName |
Object Type Code |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
componenttype |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Picklist |
ComponentType Choices/Options
Value |
Label |
Description |
1 |
Entity |
2 |
Attribute |
3 |
Relationship |
4 |
Attribute Picklist Value |
5 |
Attribute Lookup Value |
6 |
View Attribute |
7 |
Localized Label |
8 |
Relationship Extra Condition |
9 |
Option Set |
10 |
Entity Relationship |
11 |
Entity Relationship Role |
12 |
Entity Relationship Relationships |
13 |
Managed Property |
14 |
Entity Key |
16 |
Privilege |
17 |
PrivilegeObjectTypeCode |
18 |
Index |
20 |
Role |
21 |
Role Privilege |
22 |
Display String |
23 |
Display String Map |
24 |
Form |
25 |
Organization |
26 |
Saved Query |
29 |
Workflow |
31 |
Report |
32 |
Report Entity |
33 |
Report Category |
34 |
Report Visibility |
35 |
Attachment |
36 |
Email Template |
37 |
Contract Template |
38 |
KB Article Template |
39 |
Mail Merge Template |
44 |
Duplicate Rule |
45 |
Duplicate Rule Condition |
46 |
Entity Map |
47 |
Attribute Map |
48 |
Ribbon Command |
49 |
Ribbon Context Group |
50 |
Ribbon Customization |
52 |
Ribbon Rule |
53 |
Ribbon Tab To Command Map |
55 |
Ribbon Diff |
59 |
Saved Query Visualization |
60 |
System Form |
61 |
Web Resource |
62 |
Site Map |
63 |
Connection Role |
64 |
Complex Control |
65 |
Hierarchy Rule |
66 |
Custom Control |
68 |
Custom Control Default Config |
70 |
Field Security Profile |
71 |
Field Permission |
90 |
Plugin Type |
91 |
Plugin Assembly |
92 |
SDK Message Processing Step |
93 |
SDK Message Processing Step Image |
95 |
Service Endpoint |
150 |
Routing Rule |
151 |
Routing Rule Item |
152 |
153 |
SLA Item |
154 |
Convert Rule |
155 |
Convert Rule Item |
161 |
Mobile Offline Profile |
162 |
Mobile Offline Profile Item |
165 |
Similarity Rule |
166 |
Data Source Mapping |
201 |
SDKMessage |
202 |
SDKMessageFilter |
203 |
SdkMessagePair |
204 |
SdkMessageRequest |
205 |
SdkMessageRequestField |
206 |
SdkMessageResponse |
207 |
SdkMessageResponseField |
208 |
Import Map |
210 |
WebWizard |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who created the solution |
DisplayName |
Created By |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the solution was created. |
DisplayName |
Created On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the solution. |
DisplayName |
Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Indicates whether this component is metadata or data. |
DisplayName |
Is this component metadata |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
ismetadata |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Boolean |
Value |
Label |
Description |
1 |
Metadata |
0 |
Data |
DefaultValue: 1
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the solution. |
DisplayName |
Modified By |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the solution was last modified. |
DisplayName |
Modified On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the solution. |
DisplayName |
Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the object with which the component is associated. |
DisplayName |
Regarding |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
objectid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Indicates the include behavior of the root component. |
DisplayName |
Root Component Behavior |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
rootcomponentbehavior |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Picklist |
RootComponentBehavior Choices/Options
Value |
Label |
Description |
0 |
Include Subcomponents |
1 |
Do not include subcomponents |
2 |
Include As Shell Only |
Property |
Value |
Description |
The parent ID of the subcomponent, which will be a root |
DisplayName |
Root Solution Component ID |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
rootsolutioncomponentid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the solution component. |
DisplayName |
Solution Component Identifier |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
solutioncomponentid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the solution. |
DisplayName |
Solution |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
solutionid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
solution |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
solutionidname |
MaxLength |
256 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
versionnumber |
MaxValue |
9223372036854775807 |
MinValue |
-9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
BigInt |
One-To-Many Relationships
Listed by SchemaName.
Same as the solutioncomponent_parent_solutioncomponent many-to-one relationship for the solutioncomponent entity.
Property |
Value |
ReferencingEntity |
solutioncomponent |
ReferencingAttribute |
rootsolutioncomponentid |
IsHierarchical |
False |
IsCustomizable |
False |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName |
solutioncomponent_parent_solutioncomponent |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration |
Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration |
Assign: Cascade Delete: Restrict Merge: NoCascade Reparent: Cascade Share: Cascade Unshare: Cascade |
Many-To-One Relationships
Each Many-To-One relationship is defined by a corresponding One-To-Many relationship with the related entity. Listed by SchemaName.
See the lk_solutioncomponentbase_modifiedonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the solutioncomponent_parent_solutioncomponent one-to-many relationship for the solutioncomponent entity.
See the lk_solutioncomponentbase_createdonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the solution_solutioncomponent one-to-many relationship for the solution entity.
See also
About the Entity Reference
Web API EntityType Reference