
az datadog terms


This reference is part of the datadog extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.17.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az datadog terms command. Learn more about extensions.

This command group is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus

Manage marketplace agreements with datadog.


Name Description Type Status
az datadog terms create

Create Datadog marketplace agreement in the subscription.

Extension Experimental
az datadog terms list

List datadog marketplace agreements.

Extension Experimental
az datadog terms update

Update Datadog marketplace agreement in the subscription.

Extension Experimental

az datadog terms create


Command group 'datadog terms' is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus

Create Datadog marketplace agreement in the subscription.

az datadog terms create [--properties]



az datadog terms create --properties accepted=true

Optional Parameters


Represents the properties of the resource.

Usage: --properties publisher=XX product=XX plan=XX license-text-link=XX privacy-policy-link=XX retrieve-datetime=XX signature=XX accepted=XX

publisher: Publisher identifier string. product: Product identifier string. plan: Plan identifier string. license-text-link: Link to HTML with Microsoft and Publisher terms. privacy-policy-link: Link to the privacy policy of the publisher. retrieve-datetime: Date and time in UTC of when the terms were accepted. This is empty if Accepted is false. signature: Terms signature. accepted: If any version of the terms have been accepted, otherwise false.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az datadog terms list


Command group 'datadog terms' is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus

List datadog marketplace agreements.

az datadog terms list


List marketplace agreements

az datadog terms list
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az datadog terms update


Command group 'datadog terms' is experimental and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus

Update Datadog marketplace agreement in the subscription.

az datadog terms update [--properties]

Optional Parameters


Represents the properties of the resource.

Usage: --properties publisher=XX product=XX plan=XX license-text-link=XX privacy-policy-link=XX retrieve-datetime=XX signature=XX accepted=XX

publisher: Publisher identifier string. product: Product identifier string. plan: Plan identifier string. license-text-link: Link to HTML with Microsoft and Publisher terms. privacy-policy-link: Link to the privacy policy of the publisher. retrieve-datetime: Date and time in UTC of when the terms were accepted. This is empty if Accepted is false. signature: Terms signature. accepted: If any version of the terms have been accepted, otherwise false.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.