

New Registry Entry Page

Figure 1 shows the ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page where you can view a list of the existing endpoints in a specified Microsoft BizTalk Server ESB application.

New Registry Entry Page

Figure 1

The ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page

The following list explains how you can use the features of the ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page:

  • Use the three drop-down lists near the top of the page to specify the type, status, and BizTalk application that contains the endpoints you want to view:

    • In the first (endpoint type) drop-down list, you can select Receive Locations, Send Ports, or All Endpoints.

    • In the second (status) drop-down list, you can select Registered, NotRegistered, Pending, or All.

    • In the third (BizTalk application) drop-down list, you can select one of the currently installed BizTalk applications.

  • After specifying the application and endpoint criteria, click the arrow icon next to the BizTalk application drop-down list to display a list of matching endpoints.

  • The list of endpoints contains details of matching endpoints. For each one that is not a dynamic endpoint, the list contains a link that allows you to view and edit the details of a pending request to publish this endpoint.

  • Click the View Detail link in any row of the list to open the Registry Details Page where you can modify the request and publish the endpoint.