New Registry Entry Page
Figure 1 shows the ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page where you can view a list of the existing endpoints in a specified Microsoft BizTalk Server ESB application.
Figure 1
The ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page
The following list explains how you can use the features of the ESB Management Portal New Registry Entry page:
Use the three drop-down lists near the top of the page to specify the type, status, and BizTalk application that contains the endpoints you want to view:
In the first (endpoint type) drop-down list, you can select Receive Locations, Send Ports, or All Endpoints.
In the second (status) drop-down list, you can select Registered, NotRegistered, Pending, or All.
In the third (BizTalk application) drop-down list, you can select one of the currently installed BizTalk applications.
After specifying the application and endpoint criteria, click the arrow icon next to the BizTalk application drop-down list to display a list of matching endpoints.
The list of endpoints contains details of matching endpoints. For each one that is not a dynamic endpoint, the list contains a link that allows you to view and edit the details of a pending request to publish this endpoint.
Click the View Detail link in any row of the list to open the Registry Details Page where you can modify the request and publish the endpoint.