ESB Management Portal Feature Reference
The ESB Management Portal provides views of fault information that make it easy to monitor, manage, and debug ESB applications. It also provides features that you can use to manage alerts, publish UDDI information, and administer the portal. To open the portal, go to http://localhost/ESB.Portal/.
The following views are available in the portal:
Portal Home Page. This page displays the overall application state, a summary of faults, recent requests for UDDI registration, and charts that show a breakdown of faults by type and by application.
Portal Faults Page. This page displays a truncated list of properties for each fault; it supports analysis of faults by a range of criteria.
Portal Fault Message Viewer. This page is accessible only though the Portal Faults page. It displays details of individual fault messages and allows you to repair and resubmit messages.
Portal Alerts Page. This page allows users to create and modify alerts and to configure alert email settings. The portal can send an alert email message when a specific type of fault, or any fault, occurs.
Portal Reports Page. This page displays charts indicating the fault, alert, and message resubmission activity from an application perspective and supports analysis of the health of the individual services within applications.
Portal Registry Pages. This page allows users to publish service endpoints (such as Microsoft BizTalk Server receive locations) to the UDDI service. The UDDI service acts as a central registry of service endpoints within an organization.
Portal Admin Pages. This page allows administrators to configure portal settings, view an audit log of edited and resubmitted messages, and manage alerts for users and groups.
Portal My Settings Page. This page allows users to select the default application and time-period filters for the portal.