Messaging Payload View
The Messaging Payload view displays the schema of the XML message associated with the selected action (for example, Message Sent or Received). The view is available from the shortcut menu for some of the shapes in the Orchestration Schedule view.
Working with the Messaging Payload View
You select your Orchestration Schedule view by clicking the Select Event Source button and clicking the Select Messaging Payload Schema menu item. Once you select the schema, you can drag elements from this schema to the data item folders of the activity, thus indicating that you want to extract that data from specific XPath expression inside the message at this action.
You can open messaging payload views from the orchestration schedule view by right-clicking a shape that contains a message payload. This will open a context menu from which you can click the Messaging Payload menu item to retrieve the messaging property schema.
For more information about XPath expressions, see Using XPaths in Message Assignments.