Using XPaths in Message Assignments
You can use the xpath function to assign an XPath value to a message part, or to assign a value to an XPath that refers to a message part. For more information on assigning to messages and message parts, see Constructing Messages.
For more information on the xpath function, see third-party documentation on the XML Path Language (XPath).
The use of the xpath function is not limited to message assignment. You can also use it in any expression, for example:
If ((System.Double) xpath(_RequestMessage.part, "number(//book[last()]/price)") == 75.00 && (System.Boolean) xpath(msgBoolean, "string(//boolean)") == false)...
If you want to assign a value to a string, use the XPath string() function. For example:
myString = xpath(msg, "string(/*/book[1]/title)");
The engine is not schema-aware, so you can only read values from or write values to a node that exists in the containing message (the complete path must exist), or the engine will raise an exception. This is true even if you supply a default value.
Assigning to an XPath in a message part
Consider the following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:b="" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="catalog">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="book">
<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="author">
<xs:element name="FirstName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="LastName" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element name="price" type="xs:string" />
<xs:attribute name="country" type="xs:string" />
You can use the function as follows to set values on a document instance of that schema type:
//assumes that a message named _ResponseMessage is already constructed
_ResponseMessage.part = _RequestMessage.part;
xpath(_ResponseMessage.part, "/*/book[1]/@country") = "USA";
xpath(_ResponseMessage.part, "/*/book[1]/title") = "Legends";
xpath(_ResponseMessage.part, "/*/book[1]/author/FirstName") = "A";
xpath(_ResponseMessage.part, "/*/book[1]/author/LastName") = "B";
xpath(_ResponseMessage.part, "/*/book[1]/price") = 50;
Assigning to a message part from an XPath
//assumes that a message named objMessage is already constructed
objMessage.BooleanPart = xpath("false()");
objMessage.IntPart = xpath("100");
objMessage.StringPart = xpath("'Hello'");
objMessage.StringPart2 = xpath("'World'");
Using XPath to assign from nodes and node sets
You can also use XPath to assign XML nodes and node sets to an XML element, a class, or a schema-based or class-based message.
Suppose you have an XML-serializable class called Book, and consider the following examples:
Class Book {...}
Example One — select the fourth book element from the catalog, and assign it to an XML element variable:
myXmlElement = xpath(myMsg, "/catalog/book[3]");
Example Two — select the fourth book element from the catalog, and convert it using XML deserialization into a Book class instance:
myBook = xpath(myMsg, "/catalog/book[3]");
Example Three — select the fourth book element from the catalog, and convert it a message of type Book:
myBookMsg = xpath(myMsg, "/catalog/book[3]");
Example Four — select all book elements in the catalog, where MyMethod takes an XmlNodeSet as a parameter:
MyMethod(xpath(myMsg, "/catalog/book"));
Example Five — add a book element to the "BookOfTheMonth" container:
xpath(MyMsg2, "/RecommendedBooks/BookOfTheMonth") = myBook;
Example Six — add all books that are priced at twenty or less to a set of recommended books:
xpath(MyMsg2, "/RecommendedBooks/BestPriceBooks") = xpath(MyMsg, "/catalog/book[@price <= 20]");
Example Seven — call user code that returns an XML element:
xpath(MyMsg2, "/RecommendedBooks/AdvertisedByPartner") = GetPartnerAdvertisedBook();
Before applying examples five and seven:
After applying examples five and seven:
<Book country="USA">
<Book country="USA">
<title>The Rooster</title>