

Phone number management for Slovenia

Use the below tables to find all the relevant information on number availability, eligibility and restrictions for phone numbers in Slovakia.

Number types and capabilities availability

Number Type Send SMS Receive SMS Make Calls Receive Calls
Alphanumeric Sender ID* General Availability - - -

* Please refer to SMS Concepts page for supported destinations for this service.

Subscription eligibility

To acquire a phone number, you need to be on a paid Azure subscription. Phone numbers can't be acquired by Azure free credits. Also, due to regulatory reasons phone number availability is dependent on your Azure subscription billing location.

More details on eligible subscription types are as follows:

Number Type Eligible Azure Agreement Type
Alphanumeric Sender ID Modern Customer Agreement (Field Led and Customer Led), Modern Partner Agreement (CSP), Enterprise Agreement, Pay-As-You-Go

Azure subscription billing locations where Slovenia phone numbers are available


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Next steps

For more information about Azure Communication Services' telephony options, see the following pages: