

Supported metrics for Oracle.Database/exadbVmClusters

The following table lists the metrics available for the Oracle.Database/exadbVmClusters resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Category: Availability

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Node Status

Indicates whether the host is reachable.
oci_database_cluster/NodeStatus Count Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode PT1M Yes

Category: Saturation

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
CPU Utilization (OCI Database Cluster)

Percent CPU utilization
oci_database_cluster/CpuUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode PT1M Yes
Filesystem Utilization

Percent utilization of provisioned filesystem
oci_database_cluster/FilesystemUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode, filesystemName PT1M Yes
Load Average

System load average over 5 minutes
oci_database_cluster/LoadAverage Count Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode PT1M Yes
Memory Utilization

Percentage of memory available for starting new applications, without swapping. The available memory can be obtained via the following command: cat /proc/meminfo
oci_database_cluster/MemoryUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode PT1M Yes
OCPU Allocated

The number of OCPUs allocated
oci_database_cluster/OcpusAllocated Count Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, deploymentType PT1M Yes
Swap Utilization

Percent utilization of total swap space
oci_database_cluster/SwapUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_dbnode, Oracle.resourceName_dbnode PT1M Yes
DB Block Changes

The Average number of blocks changed per second.
oci_database/BlockChanges CountPerSecond Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes
CPU Utilization (OCI Database)

The CPU utilization expressed as a percentage, aggregated across all consumer groups. The utilization percentage is reported with respect to the number of CPUs the database is allowed to use.
oci_database/CpuUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes
Parse Count

The number of hard and soft parses during the selected interval.
oci_database/ParseCount Count Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes
Storage Space Allocated

Total amount of storage space allocated to the database at the collection time
oci_database/StorageAllocated Bytes Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Allocated Storage Space By Tablespace

Total amount of storage space allocated to the tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces.
oci_database/StorageAllocatedByTablespace Bytes Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, TablespaceName, tablespaceType, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Storage Space Used

Total amount of storage space used by the database at the collection time.
oci_database/StorageUsed Bytes Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Storage Space Used By Tablespace

Total amount of storage space used by tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces.
oci_database/StorageUsedByTablespace Bytes Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, tablespaceName, tablespaceType, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Storage Utilization

The percentage of provisioned storage capacity currently in use. Represents the total allocated space for all tablespaces.
oci_database/StorageUtilization Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes
Storage Space Utilization By Tablespace

This indicates the percentage of storage space utilized by the tablespace at the collection time. In case of container database, this metric provides root container tablespaces..
oci_database/StorageUtilizationByTablespace Percent Minimum, Maximum, Average Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, tablespaceName, tablespaceType, deploymentType PT1H, PT6H, PT12H, P1D Yes

Category: Traffic

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Current Logons

The number of successful logons during the selected interval.
oci_database/CurrentLogons Count Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes
Execute Count

The number of user and recursive calls that executed SQL statements during the selected interval.
oci_database/ExecuteCount Count Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType PT1M Yes
Transaction Count

The combined number of user commits and user rollbacks during the selected interval.
oci_database/TransactionCount Count Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes
User Calls

The combined number of logons, parses, and execute calls during the selected interval.
oci_database/UserCalls Count Minimum, Maximum, Average, Total (Sum) Oracle.resourceId, Oracle.resourceName, instanceNumber, instanceName, hostName, deploymentType, Oracle.resourceId_database, Oracle.resourceName_database PT1M Yes

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