

Supported metrics for Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces

Category: DataExport

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Bytes Exported (preview)

Total number of bytes exported per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
BytesExported Bytes Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName PT1M Yes
Exports Failed (preview)

Total number of data exports failed per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
ExportFailed Count Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName, LogAnalyticsDataExportErrorType PT1M Yes
Records Exported (preview)

Total number of records exported per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
RecordsExported Count Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName PT1M Yes

Category: Legacy Log-based metrics

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
% Available Memory

Average_% Available Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Available Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Available Swap Space

Average_% Available Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Available Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Committed Bytes In Use

Average_% Committed Bytes In Use. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Committed Bytes In Use Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% DPC Time

Average_% DPC Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% DPC Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Free Inodes

Average_% Free Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Free Inodes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Free Space

Average_% Free Space. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Free Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Idle Time

Average_% Idle Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Idle Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Interrupt Time

Average_% Interrupt Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Interrupt Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% IO Wait Time

Average_% IO Wait Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% IO Wait Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Nice Time

Average_% Nice Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Nice Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Privileged Time

Average_% Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Privileged Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Processor Time

Average_% Processor Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Processor Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Used Inodes

Average_% Used Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Inodes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Used Memory

Average_% Used Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Used Space

Average_% Used Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% Used Swap Space

Average_% Used Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
% User Time

Average_% User Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% User Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Available MBytes

Average_Available MBytes. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Available MBytes Memory

Average_Available MBytes Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Available MBytes Swap

Average_Available MBytes Swap. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Swap Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Avg. Disk sec/Read

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Avg. Disk sec/Transfer

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Avg. Disk sec/Write

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Bytes Received/sec

Average_Bytes Received/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Received/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Bytes Sent/sec

Average_Bytes Sent/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Sent/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Bytes Total/sec

Average_Bytes Total/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Total/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Current Disk Queue Length

Average_Current Disk Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Current Disk Queue Length Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Disk Read Bytes/sec

Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Disk Reads/sec

Average_Disk Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Reads/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Disk Transfers/sec

Average_Disk Transfers/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Transfers/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Disk Write Bytes/sec

Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Disk Writes/sec

Average_Disk Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Writes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Free Megabytes

Average_Free Megabytes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Megabytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Free Physical Memory

Average_Free Physical Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Physical Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Free Space in Paging Files

Average_Free Space in Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Space in Paging Files Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Free Virtual Memory

Average_Free Virtual Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Virtual Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Logical Disk Bytes/sec

Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Page Reads/sec

Average_Page Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Page Reads/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Page Writes/sec

Average_Page Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Page Writes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes

Average_Pages/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pages/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Pct Privileged Time

Average_Pct Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pct Privileged Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Pct User Time

Average_Pct User Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pct User Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Physical Disk Bytes/sec

Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes

Average_Processes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Processes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Processor Queue Length

Average_Processor Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Processor Queue Length Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Size Stored In Paging Files

Average_Size Stored In Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Size Stored In Paging Files Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Bytes

Average_Total Bytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Bytes Received

Average_Total Bytes Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Received Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Bytes Transmitted

Average_Total Bytes Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Transmitted Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Collisions

Average_Total Collisions. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Collisions Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Packets Received

Average_Total Packets Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Packets Received Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Packets Transmitted

Average_Total Packets Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Packets Transmitted Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Rx Errors

Average_Total Rx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Rx Errors Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Total Tx Errors

Average_Total Tx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Tx Errors Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes

Average_Uptime. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Uptime Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Used MBytes Swap Space

. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used MBytes Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Used Memory kBytes

Average_Used Memory kBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used Memory kBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Used Memory MBytes

Average_Used Memory MBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used Memory MBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes

Average_Users. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Users Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Virtual Shared Memory

Average_Virtual Shared Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Virtual Shared Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes

Event. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Event Count Average Source, EventLog, Computer, EventCategory, EventLevel, EventLevelName, EventID PT1M Yes

Heartbeat. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Heartbeat Count Total (Sum) Computer, OSType, Version, SourceComputerId PT1M Yes

Update. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Update Count Average Computer, Product, Classification, UpdateState, Optional, Approved PT1M Yes

Category: SLI

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

User query success rate for this workspace.
AvailabilityRate_Query Percent Average IsUserQuery PT1M No
Ingestion Time

Time in seconds it took since record recieved in Azure Monitor Logs cloud service until it was available for queries.
Ingestion Time Seconds Average, Maximum, Minimum Table Name, TableClassification PT1M No
Ingestion Volume

Number of records ingested into a workspace or a table.
Ingestion Volume Count Count Table Name, TableClassification PT1M No

Category: User Queries

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Query Count

Total number of user queries for this workspace.
Query Count Count Count IsUserQuery PT1M No
Query Failure Count

Total number of failed user queries for this workspace.
Query Failure Count Count Count IsUserQuery PT1M No

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