

Supported metrics for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces

Category: Model

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Model Deploy Failed

Number of model deployments that failed in this workspace
Model Deploy Failed Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, StatusCode PT1M Yes
Model Deploy Started

Number of model deployments started in this workspace
Model Deploy Started Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario PT1M Yes
Model Deploy Succeeded

Number of model deployments that succeeded in this workspace
Model Deploy Succeeded Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario PT1M Yes
Model Register Failed

Number of model registrations that failed in this workspace
Model Register Failed Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, StatusCode PT1M Yes
Model Register Succeeded

Number of model registrations that succeeded in this workspace
Model Register Succeeded Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario PT1M Yes

Category: Quota

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Active Cores

Number of active cores
Active Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Active Nodes

Number of Acitve nodes. These are the nodes which are actively running a job.
Active Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Idle Cores

Number of idle cores
Idle Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Idle Nodes

Number of idle nodes. Idle nodes are the nodes which are not running any jobs but can accept new job if available.
Idle Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Leaving Cores

Number of leaving cores
Leaving Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Leaving Nodes

Number of leaving nodes. Leaving nodes are the nodes which just finished processing a job and will go to Idle state.
Leaving Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Preempted Cores

Number of preempted cores
Preempted Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Preempted Nodes

Number of preempted nodes. These nodes are the low priority nodes which are taken away from the available node pool.
Preempted Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Quota Utilization Percentage

Percent of quota utilized
Quota Utilization Percentage Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName, VmFamilyName, VmPriority PT1M Yes
Total Cores

Number of total cores
Total Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Total Nodes

Number of total nodes. This total includes some of Active Nodes, Idle Nodes, Unusable Nodes, Premepted Nodes, Leaving Nodes
Total Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Unusable Cores

Number of unusable cores
Unusable Cores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes
Unusable Nodes

Number of unusable nodes. Unusable nodes are not functional due to some unresolvable issue. Azure will recycle these nodes.
Unusable Nodes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, ClusterName PT1M Yes

Category: Resource

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Maximum capacity of a CPU node in millicores. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuCapacityMillicores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Maximum memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Memory utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Percentage of utilization on a CPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.
CpuUtilization Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, runId, NodeId, ClusterName PT1M Yes

Utilization of a CPU node in millicores. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuUtilizationMillicores Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
CpuUtilizationPercentage Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Available disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
DiskAvailMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Data read from disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
DiskReadMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Used disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
DiskUsedMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Data written into disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
DiskWriteMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Maximum capacity of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals.
GpuCapacityMilliGPUs Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Interval energy in Joules on a GPU node. Energy is reported at one minute intervals.
GpuEnergyJoules Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, runId, rootRunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Maximum memory capacity of a GPU device in megabytes. Capacity aggregated in at one minute intervals.
GpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Percentage of memory utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.
GpuMemoryUtilization Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName PT1M Yes

Memory utilization of a GPU device in megabytes. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals.
GpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Memory utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals.
GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Percentage of utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.
GpuUtilization Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName PT1M Yes

Utilization of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
GpuUtilizationMilliGPUs Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.
GpuUtilizationPercentage Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Network data received over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
IBReceiveMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId PT1M Yes

Network data sent over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
IBTransmitMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId PT1M Yes

Network data received in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
NetworkInputMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId PT1M Yes

Network data sent in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.
NetworkOutputMegabytes Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId PT1M Yes

Azure Blob Storage API calls failure count.
StorageAPIFailureCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Azure Blob Storage API calls success count.
StorageAPISuccessCount Count Average, Maximum, Minimum, Total (Sum) RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName PT1M Yes

Category: Run

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Cancel Requested Runs

Number of runs where cancel was requested for this workspace. Count is updated when cancellation request has been received for a run.
Cancel Requested Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Cancelled Runs

Number of runs cancelled for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is successfully cancelled.
Cancelled Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Completed Runs

Number of runs completed successfully for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed and output has been collected.
Completed Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes

Number of run errors in this workspace. Count is updated whenever run encounters an error.
Errors Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario PT1M Yes
Failed Runs

Number of runs failed for this workspace. Count is updated when a run fails.
Failed Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Finalizing Runs

Number of runs entered finalizing state for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed but output collection still in progress.
Finalizing Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Not Responding Runs

Number of runs not responding for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Not Responding state.
Not Responding Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Not Started Runs

Number of runs in Not Started state for this workspace. Count is updated when a request is received to create a run but run information has not yet been populated.
Not Started Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Preparing Runs

Number of runs that are preparing for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Preparing state while the run environment is being prepared.
Preparing Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Provisioning Runs

Number of runs that are provisioning for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is waiting on compute target creation or provisioning.
Provisioning Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Queued Runs

Number of runs that are queued for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is queued in compute target. Can occure when waiting for required compute nodes to be ready.
Queued Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Started Runs

Number of runs running for this workspace. Count is updated when run starts running on required resources.
Started Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes
Starting Runs

Number of runs started for this workspace. Count is updated after request to create run and run info, such as the Run Id, has been populated
Starting Runs Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName PT1M Yes

Number of run warnings in this workspace. Count is updated whenever a run encounters a warning.
Warnings Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count Scenario PT1M Yes

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