TechNet Wiki Community Council - A New Hope!!!
The TechNet Wiki Community Council is in motion and marching forward!
This is part of a series:
- Enter the Council
- A New Hope (this blog post)
- Council Strikes Back
- Return of the Council
We especially want to welcome new members (since "Enter the Council"):
- Brent Groom
- Yagmoth (Philippe)
- Tord Nordahl
- Zoltán Horvath
- Naomi N
We've shifted a few people to other groups as we spawn up two new groups, the TechNet Wiki Advisory Group (this is more of a re-launch than "new"; MVPs who will give an advisory role and will moderate content across their areas) and the TechNet Wiki International Council (community language leaders who will help grow their language communities). So we've got some new members!
Microsoft Employees (5)
- Ed Price - Profile
- Peter Geelen - Profile
- Bruno Lewin - Profile
- Markus Vilcinskas - Profile
- Brent Groom - Profile
- Leonardo Ponti - Profile
External (7)
- Peter Laker (aka XAMLguy) - Profile
- Margriet Bruggeman - Profile
- Richard Mueller - Profile
- Philippe Levesque - Profile
- Tord Nordahl - Profile
- Zoltán Horvath - Profile
- Naomi N - Profile
And what are we doing? We're working on the TechNet Wiki Community Council Areas of Focus.
The basic idea is that we're pushing forward and making progress in a lot of areas.
I want to brag about (announce) the great things we have going in some of the areas...
- Guidelines & Best Practices
- Although nobody is focusing on this right now, we've had some great guidelines being written around giving credit, plagiarism, and the such!
- In the Wiki UX Guidelines, Peter Geelen divided up the Page Layout section better and added more clarity around giving Credits:
- Naomi made some good points that we needed more clarity around the tags around pages that need to be deleted, and I finished up the Duplicate Article and Test Article sections here:
- Bruno Lewin wrote the first pass on the new guidelines: Wiki: Best Practices for Giving Credit
- Portal Growth - Yagmoth
- Wiki: Technologies Portal - Yagmoth added a lot of technologies that were missing. And his flurry of activity on this page has reminded a lot of people that it's there! The result was 31 edits in July. Awesome!
- Cross-Linking Expansion - Richard Mueller
- Richard is planning on this one. The basic idea is to add more in-line, embedded linking in the first paragraph of the articles (linking back to parent articles) and to add more links to Wiki articles in See Also sections.
- Feature Requests & Bugs - Ed Price (& Richard Mueller)
- Richard added this bug to the Comments section of Known Issues:
- Richard added the similar Tags issue:
- We've got a platform update that's coming soon. Then we'll check some of our bugs on that platform.
- Spam, Plagiarism, & Article Deletion - Peter Geelen (& Naomi)
- Naomi and Richard helped find a lot of spam.
- Naomi and Carsten have been identifying any plagiarism.
- TechNet Wiki Featured Articles - Ed Price (& Yagmoth)
- Ed created this framework: TechNet Wiki: Featured Article Teams
- The Russian, Chinese, and Portuguese Wikis were updated with new Featured Articles
- The English Wiki has mostly been updating with the TechNet Guru winners.
- Next: Another round on the non-English Wikis
- TechNet Guru (Leveraging Forums) - Peter Laker (& Ed Price)
- The contest marches on! Find the most recent contest here:
- Wiki Ninjas Blog Planning
- The bloggers are scheduled, and new bloggers have been added since May (after "Enter the Council"): Patris, Santosh, LeoPonti, & Brent Groom
- TechNet Wiki Discussion Forum Community Growth
- Nobody is focusing on this right now.
- General Community Projects and Social Initiatives
- Nobody is focusing on this right now.
- TechNet Wiki International Council - Bruno Lewin (& Ed Price, Yagmoth)
- We created an article about the steps to getting your language established as a Wiki instance
- We invited the initial members to join the council.
- The MTFC French content award system is going strong, thanks to Bruno, Yagmoth, and Gokan! Learn about it here: Microsoft Technical French Contributor (MTFC) Award
- We have three language article awards now (English, Portuguese, and French):
- Next step: Create an article that explains the International council and lists the members
- TechNet Wiki Advisory Board - Ed Price (& Monica Rush)
- Mission - To resurrect and grow the board: TechNet Wiki Advisory Board
- This was re-launched.
- We finished some communication tools.
- Next step: More onboarding in the communication tools. Then a meeting.
- Wiki Ninja Belt Rankings - Ed Price (& Margriet Bruggeman)
- We've adding people! We're finishing up adding the Interviewed Wiki Ninjas! Then we'll go through the Top Contributors!
- The White Belt rewards have been staying up to date.
- The Yellow Belt rewards (tweets to profiles) have started.
- Collaborating with Microsoft Field Representatives - Brent Groom
- Working on a plan to leverage their content and customer interactions on TechNet Wiki.
So there you are! A lot of amazing things are going on! Let us know if you want to help with the council members with any of these individual efforts (or if you have any questions)!
- Ninja Ed
August 08, 2013
Although the replica watches are cheap, they can give their original counterparts a run for their money in term of visual characteristics, aesthetic looks, and functionality.Anonymous
August 09, 2013
Well done guys! It great to see the wiki having good leadership and direction!Anonymous
August 09, 2013
Dear Replica Watches, Yes, but do the replica watches write Wiki articles? Because those would be amazing watches!!!Anonymous
August 09, 2013
I added in details for each Area now. Thanks!Anonymous
August 09, 2013
We may start similar competitions as the TechNet Guru for other popular languages. Say, we can start with Russian. We may allow new articles as well as author's translations of their articlesAnonymous
August 09, 2013
Naomi, yes that's the International Council that Bruno's putting together. You can help out with Russian. I believe Denis and DPlotnikov are leading it. We already have contests like that for Portuguese (TechNet Wiki Day) and French (MTFC). Next logical choices would be Russian, Turkish, and Spanish. So I recommend talking to Bruno, Denis, and DPlot to put together a contest like that. Thanks!Anonymous
August 09, 2013
Naomi, I divided up the content awards by language here:
August 10, 2013
It's great to keep people up to date on all the activity and accomplishments.Anonymous
August 15, 2013
Ed - Could this post be updated to include area of focus #15 "Leveraging User Groups"? :)Anonymous
August 17, 2013
Hello Ed, I'd like to take the: "Wiki Ninjas Blog Planning" .. Sending remiders; trying to find great contributors.. Do you thinks it's possible?Anonymous
August 29, 2013
Craig, that was added after this post. It's like a snapshot in time. I'll add that to the new update.Anonymous
August 29, 2013
Gokan, Yes. We moved Peter Laker into that spot, but I'll shoot you an email with a few possibilities. Essentially, we want you to focus on leading the Turkish community in the International Council, but we can talk about all that offline and see what you're comfortable doing. Thanks!Anonymous
April 25, 2014