

AssetLink Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines the relationship of an asset to an ad.

For example, within a ResponsiveSearchAd there is an array of asset links that each contain a TextAsset.


<xs:complexType name="AssetLink" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Asset" nillable="true" type="tns:Asset" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AssetPerformanceLabel" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EditorialStatus" nillable="true" type="tns:AssetLinkEditorialStatus" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PinnedField" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />


The AssetLink object has the following elements: Asset, AssetPerformanceLabel, EditorialStatus, PinnedField.

Element Description Data Type
Asset The asset with a unique Microsoft Advertising identifier that can be reused across multiple ads.

For asset links included in a responsive search ad's Headlines and Descriptions lists, the asset must be a TextAsset.

Add: Required
Update: Required
AssetPerformanceLabel This lets you know how well the asset is performing.

The possible ratings include:
- Low: This asset's performance is low and we recommend you replace this asset to improve your ad performance.
- Good: This asset is performing well. We recommend you keep this asset and add more assets to improve your ad performance.
- Best: This asset's performance is among the best and we recommend that you add more similar assets.
- Unrated: We don't have any performance rating for this asset. This can be due to the asset being inactive, not having enough information to determine its performance, or if there aren't enough similar assets to compare against it.
- Learning: The asset's performance is being actively evaluated. Once the evaluation is complete, the asset rating will be Low, Good, Best, or Unrated.

Add: Read-only. The service will ignore this value if set.
Update: Read-only. The service will ignore this value if set.
EditorialStatus The editorial review status of the asset link, which indicates whether the asset is pending review, has been approved, or has been disapproved.

Add: Read-only
Update: Read-only
PinnedField Determines whether the asset should only be used for a specific ad component, or whether you want Bing AI to optimize the layout for this asset.

Unless you have a specific requirement for an asset, don't pin it and let Bing AI optimize the placement.

If the Asset is a TextAsset and included in the responsive search ad's Descriptions list, the valid pinned field values are Description1 and Description2. At least one eligible TextAsset must be available for each description position, so you cannot pin all of the assets to the same position. For example you can have 3 text assets pinned to Description1, so long as you have at least one text asset in the responsive search ad's Descriptions list that is either not pinned, or pinned to Description2.

If the Asset is a TextAsset and included in the responsive search ad's Headlines list, the valid pinned field values are Headline1, Headline2, and Headline3. At least one eligible TextAsset must be available for each headline position, so you cannot pin all of the assets to the same position. For example you can have 3 text assets pinned to Headline1 and 3 text assets pinned to Headline2, so long as you have at least one text asset in the responsive search ad's Headlines list that is either not pinned, or pinned to Headline3.

If you previously pinned an asset to an ad component and later want to remove the pin, you'll need to update the ad with the existing assets and leave the pinned field element empty for the asset or assets that you want to unpin. When you retrieve an asset that is not pinned, the string value is nil or empty.

PinnedField shouldn't be set for Performance Max AssetGroup as it doesn't apply.

Add: Optional
Update: Optional


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13

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