Azure OpenAI assistant create output binding for Azure Functions
The Azure OpenAI extension for Azure Functions is currently in preview.
The Azure OpenAI assistant create output binding allows you to create a new assistant chat bot from your function code execution.
For information on setup and configuration details of the Azure OpenAI extension, see Azure OpenAI extensions for Azure Functions. To learn more about Azure OpenAI assistants, see Azure OpenAI Assistants API.
References and examples are only provided for the Node.js v4 model.
References and examples are only provided for the Python v2 model.
While both C# process models are supported, only isolated worker model examples are provided.
This example demonstrates the creation process, where the HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID. The response to the prompt is returned in the HTTP response.
/// HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<CreateChatBotOutput> CreateAssistant(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "put", Route = "assistants/{assistantId}")] HttpRequestData req,
string assistantId)
string instructions =
Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions.
Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous.
using StreamReader reader = new(req.Body);
string request = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
return new CreateChatBotOutput
HttpResponse = new ObjectResult(new { assistantId }) { StatusCode = 202 },
ChatBotCreateRequest = new AssistantCreateRequest(assistantId, instructions)
ChatStorageConnectionSetting = DefaultChatStorageConnectionSetting,
CollectionName = DefaultCollectionName,
This example demonstrates the creation process, where the HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID. The response to the prompt is returned in the HTTP response.
* account
* where chat data will be stored.
final String DEFAULT_CHATSTORAGE = "AzureWebJobsStorage";
* The default collection name for the table storage account.
* This constant is used to specify the collection name for the table storage
* account
* where chat data will be stored.
final String DEFAULT_COLLECTION = "ChatState";
* HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID.
public HttpResponseMessage createAssistant(
name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.PUT},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
route = "assistants/{assistantId}")
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@BindingName("assistantId") String assistantId,
@AssistantCreate(name = "AssistantCreate") OutputBinding<AssistantCreateRequest> message,
This example demonstrates the creation process, where the HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID. The response to the prompt is returned in the HTTP response.
const COLLECTION_NAME = "ChatState";
const chatBotCreateOutput = output.generic({
type: 'assistantCreate'
app.http('CreateAssistant', {
methods: ['PUT'],
route: 'assistants/{assistantId}',
authLevel: 'anonymous',
extraOutputs: [chatBotCreateOutput],
handler: async (request, context) => {
const assistantId = request.params.assistantId
const instructions =
Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions.
Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous.
const createRequest = {
id: assistantId,
instructions: instructions,
chatStorageConnectionSetting: CHAT_STORAGE_CONNECTION_SETTING,
collectionName: COLLECTION_NAME
context.extraOutputs.set(chatBotCreateOutput, createRequest)
return { status: 202, jsonBody: { assistantId: assistantId } }
import { HttpRequest, InvocationContext, app, input, output } from "@azure/functions"
const COLLECTION_NAME = "ChatState";
const chatBotCreateOutput = output.generic({
type: 'assistantCreate'
app.http('CreateAssistant', {
methods: ['PUT'],
route: 'assistants/{assistantId}',
authLevel: 'anonymous',
extraOutputs: [chatBotCreateOutput],
handler: async (request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext) => {
const assistantId = request.params.assistantId
const instructions =
Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions.
Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous.
const createRequest = {
id: assistantId,
instructions: instructions,
chatStorageConnectionSetting: CHAT_STORAGE_CONNECTION_SETTING,
collectionName: COLLECTION_NAME
context.extraOutputs.set(chatBotCreateOutput, createRequest)
return { status: 202, jsonBody: { assistantId: assistantId } }
This example demonstrates the creation process, where the HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID. The response to the prompt is returned in the HTTP response.
Here's the function.json file for Create Assistant:
"bindings": [
"authLevel": "function",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "Request",
"route": "assistants/{assistantId}",
"methods": [
"type": "http",
"direction": "out",
"name": "Response"
"type": "assistantCreate",
"direction": "out",
"dataType": "string",
"name": "Requests"
For more information about function.json file properties, see the Configuration section.
{{This comes from the example code comment}}
using namespace System.Net
param($Request, $TriggerMetadata)
$assistantId = $Request.params.assistantId
$instructions = "Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions."
$instructions += "\nAsk for clarification if a user request is ambiguous."
$create_request = @{
"id" = $assistantId
"instructions" = $instructions
"chatStorageConnectionSetting" = "AzureWebJobsStorage"
"collectionName" = "ChatState"
Push-OutputBinding -Name Requests -Value (ConvertTo-Json $create_request)
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::Accepted
Body = (ConvertTo-Json @{ "assistantId" = $assistantId})
Headers = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
This example demonstrates the creation process, where the HTTP PUT function that creates a new assistant chat bot with the specified ID. The response to the prompt is returned in the HTTP response.
@apis.route(route="assistants/{assistantId}", methods=["PUT"])
def create_assistant(req: func.HttpRequest, requests: func.Out[str]) -> func.HttpResponse:
assistantId = req.route_params.get("assistantId")
instructions = """
Don't make assumptions about what values to plug into functions.
Ask for clarification if a user request is ambiguous.
create_request = {
"id": assistantId,
"instructions": instructions,
"chatStorageConnectionSetting": DEFAULT_CHAT_STORAGE_SETTING,
Apply the CreateAssistant
attribute to define an assistant create output binding, which supports these parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Id | The identifier of the assistant to create. |
Instructions | Optional. The instructions that are provided to assistant to follow. |
The CreateAssistant
annotation enables you to define an assistant create output binding, which supports these parameters:
Element | Description |
name | Gets or sets the name of the output binding. |
id | The identifier of the assistant to create. |
instructions | Optional. The instructions that are provided to assistant to follow. |
During the preview, define the output binding as a generic_output_binding
binding of type createAssistant
, which supports these parameters:
Parameter | Description |
arg_name | The name of the variable that represents the binding parameter. |
id | The identifier of the assistant to create. |
instructions | Optional. The instructions that are provided to assistant to follow. |
The binding supports these configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.
Property | Description |
type | Must be CreateAssistant . |
direction | Must be out . |
name | The name of the output binding. |
id | The identifier of the assistant to create. |
instructions | Optional. The instructions that are provided to assistant to follow. |
The binding supports these properties, which are defined in your code:
Property | Description |
id | The identifier of the assistant to create. |
instructions | Optional. The instructions that are provided to assistant to follow. |
See the Example section for complete examples.