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Gateway User Interface Overview (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Gateway design template includes a template user interface (UI). This UI is designed for use by gateway users and has the polished look that users expect. The functionality of the UI includes a wizard that assists users with the initial gateway setup and other common tasks. The UI also provides support for user tasks such as configuring parental controls and security settings, and setting up a firewall. Additionally, the UI provides advanced gateway features, such as port forwarding. OEMs can further customize the template UI to include branding and hardware-specific functionalities. For more information on gateway UI customization, see Customizing the Template Gateway User Interface. For more information on the gateway user interface, see Reference Gateway User Interface.

The source files and HTML pages for the gateway UI are in located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\Oak\Gwadmin directory.

The following list shows the functionality provided by the template gateway UI:

  • Gateway setup wizard
  • Gateway home page
  • Current connection status for the Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network (LAN), and gateway
  • Configuration pages for WAN and LAN
  • Configuration pages for wireless LAN (Native Wi-Fi and legacy)
  • MAC Address cloning page
  • DHCP server configuration page
  • Applications page to use for configuring Internet games or other applications that require connections to multiple ports
  • Virtual server page to access services on the local network
  • Parental control page for setting filters or permissions for Web content
  • Intrusion detection page that can be modified to support an OEM application
  • Security bypass page for setting up an exposed host to the Internet
  • Firewall security page for enabling or disabling the firewall, or for setting up the firewall rules
  • Error-reporting consent page
  • Maintenance pages for changing passwords, setting time, upgrading firmware, resetting the target device, backing up settings, viewing network traffic statistics, viewing logs, and setting up the gateway

To launch the template gateway UI, use your Internet browser and go to http://<Gateway IP Address>. On first use, the application requires a password. In addition, the application requires authentication — you must use the default username ADMIN and the same password that you typed on first use. For more information, see Setting up a Gateway from a Remote Connection.

If you have a proxy server on the public network, you may need to turn off the proxy server to launch the gateway UI. For more information about bypassing the proxy server, see Bypassing the Proxy Server.

See Also

How to Develop a Gateway | Remote Configuration Framework

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