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Retrieves all the smart cards for the specified user. The returned information can be used in other management operations on the smart card, such as revoking or retiring a smart card. This procedure is part of the Forefront Identity Manager Certificate Management (FIM CM) SQL API.

            @user_nt4name nvarchar(80)


Parameter Description


[in] The domain or username of the user for which the smart cards are retrieved. The username is in the Windows NT 4.0 format.

Return Value

Zero if the procedure succeeds, otherwise one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning


The cause of the error is unknown.


The attempt to create the request failed.


The data is not valid.


The attempt to submit the request failed.

externalGetUserSmartCards returns a result set that contains the following data:

Field Type Description



The unique identifier assigned to this smart card. A single smart card will have a new unique identifier assigned every time that it is assigned to a user in the database.



The smart card manufacturer's identifier.



The smart card's specific unique identifier. This is either the smart card's serial number when using Public Key Cryptography Standard #11 (PKCS11) middleware cards, or the smart card CardID for Microsoft Base Cryptographic Service Provider cards.



The FIM CM status for this smart card.



The FIM CM flags associated with this smart card.

The following table describes the smart card status.

Status Description

New (0)

The smart card or profile is not fully operational. This is the initial status.

Assigned (1)

The smart card has been assigned to a specific user.

Active (2)

The smart card or profile is operational.

Disabled (3)

All certificates that is contained in the smart card or profile have been revoked. Some management operations are not allowed if a smart card is in the disabled status.

Suspended (4)

All certificates that are contained by the smart card or profile have been put on hold.

Retired (5)

All certificates that are contained in the smart card or profile have been revoked. Only the "Recover on Behalf" operation is allowed.

The following table describes the smart card flags.

Flag Description

Primary (0x00000001)

Indicates that the smart card or profile is a primary smart card or profile.

Duplicate (0x00000002)

A copy of a primary profile or smart card that shares the archived certificates with the primary smart card.

Reused (0x00000004)

The smart card is being reused.

Temporary (0x00000008)

The smart card is temporary.

KeyEscrow (0x00010000)

The product of the Recover on Behalf operation.

Superseded (0x01000000)

The smart card or profile has been replaced or renewed by another smart card or profile.


The following code example shows how to retrieve all smart cards for the specified user.

DECLARE @RC           int
DECLARE @user_nt4name nvarchar(80)

-- Set parameter values
SET @user_nt4name = N'clm-test\subscriber01'

EXEC @RC = [CLM].[dbo].[externalGetUserSmartCards] 


Microsoft SQL Server® 2005 Service Pack 1 or SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4

See Also


FIM CM SQL API Procedures