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Rebuilding the ClassWizard (.clw) File

OverviewHow Do I

If you have made numerous changes to your code or have added a large number of existing user-interface classes to your current project, you may find it convenient to rebuild the associated ClassWizard (.clw) file from scratch rather than update it one class at a time. To do this, delete your project's .clw file and use ClassWizard to generate a new one. The newly-generated .clw file contains information about all the classes that have the special-format ClassWizard comments. For information on the ClassWizard special-format comments, see .

To rebuild the ClassWizard file

  1. Delete your project's .clw file.

  2. On the View menu, click ClassWizard.

    If ClassWizard appears, the project for which you deleted the .clw file is not the active project. From ClassWizard's Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to rebuild the .clw file.

  3. If ClassWizard asks you to close any files, close ClassWizard, close the files, and then restart ClassWizard.

    A message box asks if you want to rebuild the ClassWizard file from your source files.

  4. Click Yes.

    The Select Source Files dialog box appears.

  5. Use the Add and Add All buttons to transfer all of the project's .h and .cpp files, and the .rc file from the File Name list to the Files In Project box. Click Remove to remove any files other than .h, .cpp, or .rc from the Files In Project box.

  6. Click OK.

    ClassWizard appears and generates a new .clw file.

  7. Click OK to close ClassWizard.

See Also   Keeping ClassWizard Updated When Code Changes, Deleting Classes, Renaming or Moving Classes