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Most of programming is the iterative process of adding one program subsystem after another. Perhaps you begin with your program's "engine," such as the calculation engine for a spreadsheet application or the formatting engine for a word processor. Then you might develop your program's OLE functionality, and so on. This book covers a wide range of topics useful in this phase of development.
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Overviews Short introductions to the concepts important in adding core functionality to your program |
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How Do I Explanations of the tasks to perform as you add program functionality |
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Frequently Asked Questions Focused questions that other Visual C++ users are asking too |
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Details Longer conceptual articles about the subjects you need at this stage |
What else do you want to do?
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Learn how to use ClassView. |
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Learn how to use WizardBar. |
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Learn how to use ClassWizard. |
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Learn how to use Gallery to reuse code and to insert prepackaged components and ActiveX Controls into your project. |
Learn how to use the effectively. |
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