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Editing a Message Handler

OverviewHow Do I

Once you have defined a message handler with ClassWizard or WizardBar, you can use either tool to go to the member function's definition to add or modify code.

Note   There is no support for editing message handlers of ATL objects using ClassWizard.

If you have the dialog editor open, double-click on a control for which a handler is already defined. This navigates you to the file in which the selected control's message handler is defined.

To jump to a member function definition with ClassWizard

  1. In the ClassWizard dialog box, select the Message Maps tab.

  2. In the Class Name box, select the class containing the message-handling function you want to edit.

  3. In the Member Functions box, select the function you want to edit.

  4. Choose Edit Code.


    Double-click the function name.

    The insertion point moves to the function.

To jump to a member function definition with WizardBar

  1. Using WizardBar, select the class from the Class drop-down list, and the member function from the Member drop-down list.

  2. The WizardBar automatically navigates to the location in the implementation file in which the selected member function is defined.

  3. Subsequent clicks on the Action button navigate alternately between the function's definition and declaration.