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IHttpRequest Interface


Provides an interface to an HTTP request object. You can use the methods in the IHttpRequest interface to retrieve and modify data in the current HTTP request.


class IHttpRequest  


The following table lists the methods exposed by the IHttpRequest interface.

Name Description
DeleteHeader Deletes an HTTP header from the request.
GetClientCertificate Retrieves the client certificate associated with the request.
GetForwardedUrl Returns the forwarded URL.
GetHeader Returns the value of a specified HTTP header.
GetHeaderChanges Retrieves the changes to the server headers for the current request.
GetHttpMethod Returns the HTTP method for the current request.
GetHttpVersion Returns the HTTP version for the request.
GetLocalAddress Returns the address of the local interface for the current request.
GetRawHttpRequest Returns a structure that contains the raw HTTP request.
GetRemainingEntityBytes Returns the number of remaining bytes to be read from the client.
GetRemoteAddress Returns the remote address of the client's interface for the current request.
GetSiteId Retrieves the site ID for the current HTTP request.
GetUrlChanged Determines whether the request URL has been modified.
NegotiateClientCertificate Initiates client certificate negotiation with a Web client.
ReadEntityBody Returns the HTTP request entity body.
SetEntityBody Replaces the existing HTTP request body with new data.
SetHeader Sets or appends the value of a specified HTTP request header.
SetHttpMethod Sets the HTTP method for the request.
SetUrl Modifies the request URL.

Derived Classes

Name Description
IHttpRequest2 Provides an interface for retrieving the channel binding token (CBT) being used for request validation.

Web Server Core Interfaces

IHttpResponse Interface

See Also

IHttpContext Interface