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Web Server Core Interfaces


This section describes the Web Server Core and integrated request-processing pipeline interfaces.

In This Section

The following table lists the interfaces exposed by the integrated request-processing pipeline.

Interface Description
IAuthenticationProvider Accepts a validated IHttpUser pointer through the SetUser method.
ICacheProvider Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by adding support for retrieving cache information from a cache provider.
ICustomNotificationProvider Provides an interface for creating custom notifications.
IDispensedHttpModuleContextContainer Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by providing functionality for releasing a container.
IFileKey Represents key information for accessing associated data in the global file cache.
IGlobalApplicationPreloadProvider Provides a global-level interface for preloading an application into server memory.
IGlobalApplicationPreloadProvider2 Provides information about whether an application’s worker process is recycled.
IGlobalConfigurationChangeProvider Provides a global-level interface for GL_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE notifications.
IGlobalFileChangeProvider Provides a global-level interface for GL_FILE_CHANGE notifications.
IGlobalRscaQueryProvider Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by adding support for querying IIS Run-Time Status and Control information.
IGlobalStopListeningProvider Provides an interface for notifications that indicate whether a worker process is shutting down and will stop listening for new requests.
IGlobalThreadCleanupProvider Provides an interface for thread cleanup notifications.
IGlobalTraceEventProvider Extends the IHttpEventProvider interface by providing trace events for CGlobalModule derived classes.
IHttpApplication Retrieves application-specific configuration information.
IHttpApplication2 Provides an interface for loading a Web application into server memory and initializing it before the first HTTP request arrives.
IHttpApplicationProvider Provides an interface for application startup notifications.
IHttpApplicationResolveModulesProvider Provides an interface for registering HTTP modules.
IHttpCacheKey Provides key information for corresponding data that is stored in a global cache.
IHttpCachePolicy Provides CHttpModule derived classes access to the setting and getting policy for request caching.
IHttpCachePolicy2 Provides CHttpModule derived classes access to the setting and getting policy for request caching.
IHttpCachePolicy2 Interface Provides access to methods and properties that can force updates to the cache. This interface is only available in IIS 7.5.
IHttpCacheSpecificData Provides information and access methods for data that is stored in a global cache.
IHttpCompletionInfo Provides information about an asynchronous completion.
IHttpCompletionInfo2 Provides an interface to get the number of bytes completed by an asynchronous operation.
IHttpConnection Provides an interface for connection-specific information.
IHttpContext Defines an object that represents the processing context for request-level operations.
IHttpContext2 Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables the retrieval of information about the original user during asynchronous operation.
IHttpContext3 Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables additional support for asynchronous operations.
IHttpContext4 Represents the reprocessing of an HTTP request and enables additional support for diagnostic operations.
IHttpEventProvider Provides a generic event-reporting interface.
IHttpFileInfo Extends the IHttpCacheSpecificData interface by adding file-specific information for files that are cached on a server.
IHttpFileMonitor File change monitor.
IHttpModuleContextContainer Maintains a collection of IHttpStoredContext pointers.
IHttpModuleFactory Manages the creation of a CHttpModule class.
IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo Retrieves and sets a module's registration information.
IHttpPerfCounterInfo Provides an interface for incrementing and decrementing performance counters.
IHttpRequest Provides an interface to an HTTP request object.
IHttpRequest2 Provides an interface for retrieving the channel binding token (CBT) being used for request validation.
IHttpRequest3 Provides an interface for reading the request results into a buffer.
IHttpResponse Provides an interface to an HTTP response object.
IHttpResponse2 Provides an interface for flushing data and writing entity data chunks for asynchronous operations.
IHttpServer Represents the processing context for global-level operations.
IHttpServer2 Represents the processing context for global-level operations, and enables retrieving configuration files, extended interfaces, metadata, tokens, and the worker process framework.
IHttpSite Provides site-specific information within the current context.
IHttpStoredContext Defines context information for stored data.
IHttpTokenEntry Extends the IHttpCacheSpecificData interface by adding token-specific information for tokens that are cached on a server.
IHttpTokenKey Represents key information for accessing associated data in the global token cache.
IHttpTraceContext Provides a request-wide method for modules to raise events into the IIS 7 tracing infrastructure.
IHttpUrlInfo Provides URL-specific information within the current context.
IHttpUser Provides request-specific information about a user.
IMapHandlerProvider Provides a request-level interface for processing for RQ_MAP_REQUEST_HANDLER notifications.
IMapPathProvider Retrieves information about a path that is being physically mapped.
IMetadataInfo Retrieves metadata information for the current context.
IModuleAllocator Allocates memory within the current request's memory pool.
INamedContextContainer Provides an interface for binding and retrieving a named context.
IPreBeginRequestProvider Provides a global-level interface for GL_PRE_BEGIN_REQUEST notifications.
IReadEntityProvider Provides an interface for retrieving or modifying the request entity.
IReferencedMetadataInfo Provides an interface for referencing and dereferencing context metadata.
IScriptMapInfo Retrieves configuration settings for request handlers.
ISendResponseProvider Retrieves or modifies information about the current response.
IUriKey Represents key information for accessing associated data in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) cache.
IWebSocketContext Represents context support for bi-directional WebSocket communications over a single TCP socket.

See Also

Web Server Core API Reference