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Creating a Provisioning XML File


You can create a provisioning file by either modifying an existing template XML file or creating a new XML file. The XML file must be UTF-8 encoded.


An optional Device Configuration Manager tool is available as a part of the Mobile Operator Technical Resource Kit. This tool will help you to create XML files that you can use to configure the device. The Mobile Operator Technical Resource Kit is available for download from this Microsoft Web site to any Mobile operator that has a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Microsoft Corporation.

The syntax of the provisioning file is dependent upon the protocol you use to manage devices. The following list shows the protocols used:

For information about the provisioning file syntax for different OMA Client Provisioning versions, see OMA Client Provisioning Files.

To Create an OMA Client Provisioning XML file

  1. Copy the following information into a text editor:

          <!-- write or paste OMA Client Provisioning XML code snippet for the first Configuration Service Provider here -->
          <!-- write or paste OMA Client Provisioning XML code snippets for a second Configuration Service Provider here -->
  2. Save the file as <filename>.provxml.


    Microsoft recommends that you use a three-digit version number in the name of your .provxml files in ROM, such as mxip_opr_100, mxip_opr_200, mxip_opr_300, so that there is an adequate number of ordinals to identify successive versions of the file.

    For more information about file naming, see Provisioning Using a ROM Configuration XML File.

  3. Write or paste the desired OMA Client Provisioning XML into a file as described in OMA Client Provisioning Files.

    For examples of OMA Client Provisioning XML code, see OMA Client Provisioning XML File Examples.

  4. Save the file.

You should test that the provisioning XML makes the desired changes to a Windows Mobile device similar to the ones that you want to update.

To Create an OMA DM Provisioning XML file

  1. Before you can use OMA DM, you must have obtained access to or set up an OMA DM Server.

  2. Copy the following information into a text editor:

    <SyncML xmlns='SYNCML:SYNCML1.1'>
            <LocURI>{Unique device ID}</LocURI>
            <!-- comment about what change the following code makes -->
                  <!-- write or paste XML code snippets here -->
            <Final />
  3. Replace the SyncHdr information as appropriate per OMA DM Provisioning Files.

  4. Write or paste the desired OMA DM XML code

    For examples of OMA DM XML code, see OMA DM Provisioning XML File Examples.

  5. Save the file.

  6. Wrap the XML in an OMA DM message.

You should test that the provisioning XML makes the desired changes to a Windows Mobile device similar to the ones that you want to update.

To create an XML file that you will send in a CAB or .cpf file

  1. Create an XML file that uses any XML syntax.

  2. Save the file as <filename>_setup.xml

See Also


How To Configure a Device After Manufacture
Cab Provisioning Format (CPF) File

Other Resources

OMA Client Provisioning
OMA Device Management
Cabinet (.cab) File Overview