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OMA Client Provisioning Files


One provisioning XML file typically contains configuration information for multiple Configuration Service Providers.

The root node of the provisioning XML is a wap-provisioningdoc node. The following table shows the format of this node.

Version Format

OMA Client Provisioning version 1.0



OMA Client Provisioning version 1.0

<wap-provisioningdoc version="1.0">


OMA Client Provisioning version 1.1

<wap-provisioningdoc version="1.1">


The structure of the nodes within each version is the same: The Configuration Service Provider is identified, as are the settings to be queried or changed. Typically, an OMA Client Provisioning file holds configuration instructions for multiple Configuration Service Providers.

The Microsoft MSPROV document type definition (DTD) describes the configuration document. For more information, see MSPROV DTD Format.

Each Configuration Service Provider lists the Microsoft custom elements that it supports. You will use the elements to build a standard OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP Client Provisioning) configuration XML file. For information about specific elements, see MSPROV DTD Elements. For examples of how to generally use the Microsoft custom elements, see OMA Client Provisioning XML File Examples.

Code Example

The following example shows the general format of a provisioning document for OMA Client Provisioning. In this case, OMA Client Provisioning version 1.0 is used as an example only.):,MSDN.10).gifSecurity Note:
Configuration data is not encrypted when sent over the air (OTA) over a WAP push. Be aware of this potential security risk when sending sensitive configuration data, such as passwords.
   <characteristic type="Root-level Configuration Service Provider1">
      <characteristic type="1st-level Characteristic">
         <parm name="ParmName" value="ParmValue"/>
   <characteristic type="Root-level Configuration Service Provider2">
      <characteristic type="1st-level Characteristic">
         <parm name="ParmName" value="ParmValue"/>

The first-level characteristic elements indicate which Configuration Service Providers are used to set and retrieve individual settings. One provisioning document can contain multiple characteristic elements from several different Configuration Service Providers. In this example, two Configuration Service Providers are used: Root-level Configuration Service Provider1 and Root-level Configuration Service Provider2.

Each characteristic element may contain the following:

  • Nested characteristic elements. These nested elements allow a Configuration Service Provider to implement the storage of their settings using a tree-like structure. One Configuration Service Provider that uses this method is the Registry Configuration Service Provider.
  • Parameter name and value elements that indicate which specific settings within the Configuration Service Provider to query or change and the value information for changing the indicated settings.

Characteristics and parameters are documented for each Configuration Service Provider. For more information, see the desired Configuration Service Provider in Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile Devices.

See Also


Configuration Manager
Configuration Service Providers

Other Resources