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Scripting Support in Internet Explorer Mobile


Generally, Internet Explorer Mobile supports the Internet Explorer 4.01 Document Object Model (DOM). Internet Explorer Mobile supports client-side JavaScript 1.5 (ECMA-262) known as JScript. Internet Explorer Mobile does not support Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).

Missing objects, syntax errors in JScript, or other causes of JScript errors are ignored by Internet Explorer Mobile . Instead of sending an error message to the user, the script stops without sending an error message. You can switch error messages on by adding the following registry key to the registry:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]


The DOM reference can be found at the topics under Internet Explorer Mobile HTML Scripting Objects.

For documentation on the JScript engine that is included in Internet Explorer Mobile , see the Jscript documentation on MSDN.

See Also


Font Support on Windows Mobile Devices
HTML Support for Internet Explorer Mobile

Other Resources

Internet Explorer Mobile Overview
Mobile Web Site Design Overview