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HTML Support for Internet Explorer Mobile


Internet Explorer Mobile is more reliant on well-formed HTML than is Internet Explorer for desktop computers. Internet Explorer performs additional work to correct invalid HTML, but, in the interest of performance and memory usage, Internet Explorer Mobile performs much less correction of invalid HTML.

HTML compliance depends on the version of Internet Explorer Mobile on the device, as described in the following list:

  • The browser for Pocket PC 2000 is not fully HTML 3.2 compliant, but it supports a large subset of the standard and ignores tags that it cannot parse and display.
  • The browser for Pocket PC 2002 and Smartphone 2002 is HTML 3.2 compliant. Therefore, all HTML tags that are defined by this standard can be displayed in Internet Explorer Mobile .
  • The browser for Windows Mobile 2003 and later versions supports HTML 4.01, CSS Mobile Profile 1.0, and Extensible HTML (XHTML).

See Also


Font Support on Windows Mobile Devices
Office 2000 and Office XP HTML Support

Other Resources

Internet Explorer Mobile Overview
Mobile Web Site Design Overview