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Information specific to the SetTextToSpeechProfileCompleted type of state change.


struct PartySetTextToSpeechProfileCompletedStateChange : PartyStateChange {  
    PartyStateChangeResult result;  
    PartyError errorDetail;  
    PartyLocalChatControl* localChatControl;  
    PartySynthesizeTextToSpeechType type;  
    PartyString profileIdentifier;  
    void* asyncIdentifier;  


result   PartyStateChangeResult

Indicates that the operation Succeeded or the reason that it failed.

On success, PartyLocalChatControl::GetTextToSpeechProfile() will return the full profile object corresponding to the profile identifier provided to the PartyLocalChatControl::SetTextToSpeechProfile() call associated with this state change. On failure, PartyLocalChatControl::GetTextToSpeechProfile() will return null.

errorDetail   PartyError

A diagnostic value providing additional troubleshooting information regarding any potential error condition.

The human-readable form of this error detail can be retrieved via PartyManager::GetErrorMessage().

localChatControl   PartyLocalChatControl*

The chat control used in the call associated with this state change.

type   PartySynthesizeTextToSpeechType

The type of text-to-speech operation provided to the call associated with this state change.

profileIdentifier   PartyString

The profile identifier provided to the call associated with this state change.

asyncIdentifier   void*

The async identifier provided to the call associated with this state change.


At most, one PartySetTextToSpeechProfileCompletedStateChange object will be returned in any state change batch from PartyManager::StartProcessingStateChanges().


Header: Party.h

See also

Party members