The management class for chat operations related to the local device.
class PartyLocalChatControl : public PartyChatControl
Public Methods
Name | Description |
GetLocalUser | Gets the local user associated with this local chat control. |
SetPermissions | Sets the chat permissions between the local chat control and a target chat control. |
GetPermissions | Gets the voice communication relationship between the local chat control and a target chat control. |
SendText | Transmits a chat text string to each specified target chat control. |
SetAudioInput | Configures the preferred microphone or recording device that the chat control will use for audio input. |
GetAudioInput | Provides the preferred microphone or recording device that the chat control has been configured to use for audio input. |
SetAudioOutput | Configures the preferred speakers or headset device that the chat control will use for audio output. |
GetAudioOutput | Provides the preferred speakers or headset device that the chat control has been configured to use for audio output. |
PopulateAvailableTextToSpeechProfiles | Populates the local chat control's list of supported text-to-speech profiles. |
GetAvailableTextToSpeechProfiles | Gets the text-to-speech profiles for this chat control. |
SetTextToSpeechProfile | Configures the profile to use for a specified type of text-to-speech operation. |
GetTextToSpeechProfile | Gets the profile that was last configured from a successfully completed SetTextToSpeechProfile() operation for a specified type of text-to-speech operation. |
SynthesizeTextToSpeech | Generates text-to-speech audio that is used to either displace the microphone audio associated with this chat control or render directly to the chat control's audio output. |
GetLanguage | Gets the language associated with this chat control. |
SetTranscriptionOptions | Configures the transcription options associated with voice chat audio for this chat control. |
GetTranscriptionOptions | Provides the transcription options associated with voice chat audio for this chat control. |
SetTextChatOptions | Configures the text chat options associated with text chat for this chat control. |
GetTextChatOptions | Provides the text chat options associated with text chat for this chat control. |
SetAudioRenderVolume | Configures the volume setting for audio received from a target chat control that will be used for the local chat control. |
GetAudioRenderVolume | Provides the volume setting for audio received from a target chat control that will be used for the local chat control. |
SetAudioInputMuted | Configures whether the user's audio input is in the mute state. |
GetAudioInputMuted | Provides whether the user's audio input is in the mute state. |
SetIncomingAudioMuted | Configures whether the incoming audio from the target chat control, in relation to the local chat control, is muted. |
GetIncomingAudioMuted | Provides whether the incoming audio from the target chat control, in relation to the local chat control, has previously been muted. |
SetIncomingTextMuted | Configures whether the incoming text messages from the target chat control, in relation to the local chat control, is muted. |
GetIncomingTextMuted | Provides whether the incoming text messages from the target chat control, in relation to the local chat control, has previously been muted. |
SetVoiceAudioOptions | Configures the voice audio options for this chat control. |
GetVoiceAudioOptions | Provides the voice audio options associated with this chat control. |
GetLocalChatIndicator | Provides a chat indicator specifying the audio state of the local chat control. |
GetChatIndicator | Provides a chat indicator specifying the audio state of a target chat control in relation to the local chat control. |
ConfigureAudioManipulationCaptureStream | Queues an asynchronous operation to configure the audio manipulation capture stream. |
GetAudioManipulationCaptureStream | Retrieves the audio manipulation capture stream associated with this chat control. |
ConfigureAudioManipulationRenderStream | Queues an asynchronous operation to configure the audio manipulation render stream. |
GetAudioManipulationRenderStream | Retrieves the manipulation render stream associated with this chat control. |
Header: Party.h