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Understanding what the USMT 4.0 CONFIG manifests migrate (Part 2: XP Section A)

This part covers the following config.xml components for Windows XP:


    <component displayname="WindowsSearchEngine-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themeui-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

    <component displayname="Tablet PC Settings" migrate="yes" ID="tablet_pc_settings">

      <component displayname="General Options" migrate="yes" ID="tablet_pc_settings\tablet_pc_general_options">

        <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>


      <component displayname="Accessories" migrate="yes" ID="tablet_pc_settings\tablet_pc_accessories">

        <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Journal-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>


      <component displayname="Input Panel" migrate="yes" ID="tablet_pc_settings\tablet_pc_input_panel">

        <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>




Windows Search

Config Entry

<component displayname="WindowsSearchEngine-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

Config Manifest


Behavior Synopsis

Migrates Windows Search Service settings for the computer. Not user-specific.



Config Entry

<component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themeui-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

Config Manifest


Behavior Synopsis

Migrate the desktop theme for each user. Not computer-specific.

Special Consequences: turns off Aero theme on destination if left enabled.


Tablet Input Core

Config Entry

<component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

Config Manifest


Behavior Synopsis

Migrate tablet PC input settings, only if TabletPC feature is installed. Migrates both user and computer settings.


Tablet Journal

Config Entry

<component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Journal-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

Config Manifest


Behavior Synopsis

Migrate tablet PC Windows Journal settings, only if TabletPC feature is installed. Migrates only per-user settings.


TabletTip Panel

Config Entry

<component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel-DL" migrate="yes" ID=""/>

Config Manifest


Behavior Synopsis

Migrates TabletTip settings, only if TabletPC feature is installed. Migrates only per-user settings.


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Ned “better than counting sheep” Pyle