[HLK] Required Driver Attibures Test Failed 1 of 3
Hi, I'm in trouble for testing with HLK for WHQL; Required Driver Attributes Test - it's new test - has been failed. Is there any solution to pass it? I attached result screeenshot. thank you.
What license is used when distributing WdfCoInstaller01009.dll and winusbcoinstaller2.dll
Hello. I want to distribute named files with my application to allow updating with DFU-Driver. I downloaded them with STM32CubeProgrammer from ST. Included are both files in different versions (no differentiation is possible except amd64/x86, and a…
Integrated Webcam Stopped Working on Alienware M16 R2 Laptop - Not Camera or Windows Hello
Integrated Webcam Stopped Working on Alienware M16 R2 Laptop - No Camera or Windows Hello. I'm not aware of any changes and have tried to trouble shoot to no avail. I have tried disabling and enabling via device manager, rebooting my laptop and…
Distribution and license of winusbcoinstaller
Hello, I am working on a project where a device is updated using dfu-util and utilizes the DFU driver from the STM32Cube(Programmer) drivers subdirectory. There are files included which came from the MS-WDK. I would like to distribute these drivers to my…
Upload signed driver got fail "There is no valid EV certificate associated with your account........."
Hi Team, I upload a new signed driver for WHQL certification. However, i got the fail information "Unfortunately, There is no valid EV certificate associated with your account........." As i know, my company only purchased "OV certs"…
WiFiCx Hang Detection and Recovery Procedure
WLAN Device Driver Interface Miniport Driver (WDI) outlines a proper hang detection and recovery procedure in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/wdi-hang-detection-and-recovery. However, the new Wi-Fi WDF class extension…
how to fix network driver issue resolved in widows 7,many times try but not install online plz help
i am trying connect wifi but error msg is he is not found driver when i try for download then not any help
What to do with old Partner Center hardware dashboard driver submissions?
We have made many hardware submissions in the Partner Center hardware dashboard (some of them were just practise rounds), that are all no longer needed. Should they be deleted and if so, how can that be done?
How can I implement an OpenGl ICD (Installable Client Driver)?
Good morning, On the last weeks, I have been learning how to program a Display Driver, compliant with WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model). In the middle of many implementation details, Microsoft Documentation doesn't provide any relevant info about…
How to enable kernel debug over network on windows 11 23H2 ARM64 VM
I'm trying to remotely debug a Windows 11 ARM64 VM running on a Linux ARM64 physical machine, but I'm always having trouble successfully turning on network debug mode. According to the documentation…
Fetch SATA/NVMe information
I am not able to retrieve Drive Controller information like interface type and maximum speed supported I want to fetch details like SATA/NVMe and maximum supported speed using any of the Win32_class

"stampinf.exe" exited with code 87.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/print/building-a-basic-v4-printer-driver I done all the steps mentioned in the above link in building a basic printer driver V4. But when I build the project an error occurred. …
Develop arm win11 i8042 keyboard driver code:0xC0000E5
Hi: I already in test mode. testsigning on nointegritychecks on I am trying to develop a i8042 ps2 keyboard driver. On the first step, I just use a basic KMDF framework. And I fill the inf file with: Class = Keyboard ; TODO: specify…
Where do I get the driver to install a USB bluetooth dongle
I just got a USB Bluetooth adaptor for a new mouse and keyboard. However, where do I get the driver so I can install this device. I run Windows 10
Are there plans for the windows nvme driver to support controller or subsystem reset?
Currently, the windows nvme driver does not support any ioctl commands that will do a nvme controller or subsystem reset. Are there any plans to provide ioctl commands that could be used to perform either of those types of reset?
which driver does one need to edit INT file for PCIe NVMe SSD?
I'd like to enable DMA remapping for PCIe NVMe SSD. According to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/pci/enabling-dma-remapping-for-device-drivers I need to edit INF file for the corresponding driver. which driver to edit INF…
How to get OpenGL 4.3 or higher?
Hi, to whoever is reading this. I want to open Blender but this error keeps appearing. Do you think you can fix this? (Using Laptop)
Minifilter driver unnable to load
I am trying to develop a minifilter driver which encrypt and decrypt files on fly. I am using bcrypt (CNG) for encryption and decryption. But when i am trying to load this driver it is giving error 0x80070002 system cannot find file specified. I am…
How to install an Intel Network Adapter driver on a Microsoft Hyper-V Server?
How to install an Intel Network Adapter driver on a Microsoft Hyper-V Server? Im using nuc11
Instalador de Driver para funcionamento de token
Boa noite. Comprei um not modelo Galaxy Book Go. Mas instalo o driver apropriado ao meu Token e a maquina não permite o reconhecimento. Assim não consigo trabalhar com essa máquina, pois, não reconhecendo o token, não posso assinar documentos e entrar…