Microsoft Curate - Troubleshoot Line items

The Troubleshooting tab of the Line Item Details pane provides troubleshooting information and tools for the selected deal line item in the Impression Funnel, Troubleshooting Reports, and Bid Request Sampler sections.

The Troubleshooting window is available when a deal line item is selected from the Line Items window. For more information, see Monitor Line Items.

To access the Troubleshooting window:

  1. On the Line Items window, select the appropriate progress tab (Upcoming, In Progress, or Completed). For more information, see Monitor Line Items.

  2. Select anywhere in the row of the deal line item you want to troubleshoot to open the Line Item Details pane.


    You can search for line items by line item name, line item ID, deal name, or deal ID.

  3. On the Line Item Details pane, select the Troubleshooting tab to open the Troubleshooting window. You can now select the following expandable Troubleshooting sections:

    • Impression Funnel - Provides detailed metrics, graphs, and suggestions to resolve issues. For more information, see Impression Funnel.
    • Troubleshooting Reports - Provides easy access to the most common reports for troubleshooting. For more information, see Troubleshooting Reports.
    • Bid Request Sampler - Lets users generate sample bid requests to buyers. For more information, see Sample Bid Requests.