Microsoft Curate - Sample bid requests

The Bid Request Sampler provides sample bid request data under certain time frames and conditions. You can download results as a text file.


The sampler only returns bid requests for curated deals issued to external DSPs, not the Microsoft Invest.

To sample bid request data:

  1. In Date, select the date and time in which you want to pull bid requests.


    ID requests are pulled within the previous 24 hours of the date and time you select. You can only select a date and time within the last 7 days.

  2. In Media Type, select either Any Media Type or a specific media type (Banner, Video, Native, or Audio).

  3. In Country, select either Any Country or Custom Country (use the Select Country dropdown to select a country or region from the list).

  4. In Number of Bid Request, select the number of bid requests you would like to pull.


    Bid requests are limited to a maximum of 100.

  5. Select Search to generate bid requests.


Bid requests are generated using a 0.001% sampling rate. If you try to generate a bid request and don't see results, Microsoft Advertising will automatically increase the sampling rate to 5%. Wait 30 minutes for this sampling rate change to take effect before you generate another bid request. You don't have to keep the Bid Request Sampler section open while you wait 30 minutes before generating a new request. You can leave the section and come back to generate a new request after 30 minutes have passed.

Bid requests (if any) are listed in the Bid Request section. You can do the following with the results:

  • Download generated bid requests as a text file by selecting Export All as Text File. The text file is downloaded to your browser’s downloads folder.
  • Copy the generated bid requests by selecting Copy Request to Clipboard.
  • Open the generated bid requests in a new browser tab by selecting Open in New Window.