Visible Property (Balloon Object)

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]


Returns or sets the visible setting for the word balloon for the specified character.


agent**.Characters("CharacterID").Balloon.Visible** [ = boolean]

Part Description
boolean A Boolean expression specifying whether the word balloon is visible.
True The balloon is visible.
False The balloon is hidden.


If you follow a Speak or Think call with a statement to attempt to change the balloon's property, it may not affect the balloon's Visible state because the Speak or Think call gets queued, but the call setting the balloon's visible state does not. Therefore, only set this value when no Speak or Think calls are in the character's queue.

If you attempt to set this property while the character is speaking, moving, or being dragged, the property setting does not take effect until the preceding operation is completed.

Calling the Speak and Think methods automatically makes the balloon visible, setting the Visible property to True. If the character's balloon AutoHide property is enabled, the balloon is automatically hidden after the output text is spoken. Clicking or dragging a character that is not currently speaking also automatically hides the balloon even if its AutoHide setting is disabled. You can change the character's AutoHide setting using the balloon's Style property.

See Also

Style property