Think Method

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]


Displays the specified text for the specified character in a "thought" word balloon.


agent**.Characters ("CharacterID").Think** [Text]

Part Description
Text Optional. A string that specifies the character's thought output.



Like the Speak method, the Think method is a queued request that displays text in a word balloon, except that the Think word balloon differs visually. In addition, the balloon supports only the Bookmark speech control tag (\Mrk) and ignores any other speech control tags. Unlike Speak, the Think method does not change the character's animation state.

The Balloon object's properties affect the output of both the Speak and Think methods. For example, the Balloon object's Enabled property must be True for text to display.

If you declare an object reference and set it to this method, it returns a Request object. In addition, if the file has not been loaded, the server sets the Request object's Status property to "failed" with an appropriate error code number.

Agent's automatic word breaking in the word balloon breaks words using white-space characters (for example, Space or Tab). However, if it cannot, it may break a word to fit the balloon. In languages like Japanese, Chinese, and Thai where spaces are not used to break words, insert a Unicode zero-width space character (0x200B) between characters to define logical word breaks.


Set the character's language ID before using the Speak method to ensure appropriate text display within the word balloon.