winbio_adapter.h header
This header is used by Windows Biometric Framework. For more information, see:
winbio_adapter.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WbioQueryEngineInterface Retrieves a pointer to the WINBIO_ENGINE_INTERFACE structure for the engine adapter. |
WbioQuerySensorInterface Retrieves a pointer to the WINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE structure for the sensor adapter. |
WbioQueryStorageInterface Retrieves a pointer to the WINBIO_STORAGE_INTERFACE structure for the storage adapter. |
Callback functions
PIBIO_ENGINE_ACCEPT_SAMPLE_DATA_FN Accepts a raw biometric sample and extracts a feature set. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_ACTIVATE_FN Gives the Engine Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to bring the sensor component out of an idle state. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_ATTACH_FN Adds an engine adapter to the processing pipeline of the biometric unit. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE_FN Determines whether a new template in the pipeline duplicates any template already saved in the database regardless of the identity associated with the templates. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CLEAR_CONTEXT_FN Prepares the processing pipeline of the biometric unit for a new operation.E |
PIBIO_ENGINE_COMMIT_ENROLLMENT_FN Finalizes the enrollment object, converts it to a template, and saves the template in the database. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CONTROL_UNIT_FN Performs a vendor-defined control operation that does not require elevated privilege.E |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CONTROL_UNIT_PRIVILEGED_FN Performs a vendor-defined control operation that requires elevated privilege.E |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CREATE_ENROLLMENT_FN Initializes the enrollment object in the biometric unit pipeline. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_CREATE_KEY_FN Called by the Windows Biometric Framework to push an HMAC key to the sensor. The returned key identifier will be passed back to the biometric unit when the framework calls EngineAdapterIdentifyFeatureSetSecure. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_DEACTIVATE_FN Gives the Engine Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to put the sensor component into an idle state. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_DETACH_FN Releases adapter-specific resources attached to the pipeline.E |
PIBIO_ENGINE_DISCARD_ENROLLMENT_FN Deletes intermediate enrollment state information from the pipeline. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_EXPORT_ENGINE_DATA_FN Retrieves a copy of the most recently processed feature set or template from the engine in a standard biometric information record. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_GET_ENROLLMENT_HASH_FN Retrieves the hash of the completed enrollment template in the pipeline. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_GET_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_FN Determines whether the enrollment object is ready to be committed to the pipeline. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_IDENTIFY_ALL_FN Determines the identities of any people who are currently in camera frame. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_IDENTIFY_FEATURE_SET_FN Builds a template from the current feature set and locates a matching template in the database. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_IDENTIFY_FEATURE_SET_SECURE_FN Called by the Windows Biometric Framework to build a template from the current feature set and locate a matching template in the database. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_NOTIFY_POWER_CHANGE_FN Receives notification about a change in the computer power state and prepares the engine adapter accordingly. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_PIPELINE_CLEANUP_FN Gives the Engine Adapter the chance to perform any cleanup that requires help from the Storage Adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_PIPELINE_INIT_FN Gives the Engine Adapter the chance to perform any initialization that remains incomplete. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_CALIBRATION_DATA_FN Gets a set of post-capture calibration data from the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_EXTENDED_INFO_FN Determines the capabilities and limitations of the biometric engine component. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_HASH_ALGORITHMS_FN Retrieves an array of object identifiers that represent the hash algorithms supported by the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_INDEX_VECTOR_SIZE_FN Retrieves the size of the index vector used by the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_PREFERRED_FORMAT_FN Determines the input data format preferred by the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_QUERY_SAMPLE_HINT_FN Retrieves the number of correct samples required by the engine adapter to construct an enrollment template. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_REFRESH_CACHE_FN Notifies the Engine Adapter that it should discard any cached templates that it may be keeping in memory. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_SELECT_CALIBRATION_FORMAT_FN Called by the Windows Biometric Framework to determine which of the Sensor Adapter’s calibration formats the Engine Adapter wants to use. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_SET_ACCOUNT_POLICY_FN Sets the extended default and per-user antispoofing policies used by the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_SET_ENROLLMENT_PARAMETERS_FN Gives the engine adapter additional information about an enrollment operation. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_SET_ENROLLMENT_SELECTOR_FN Tells the Engine Adapter which person to track for the current enrollment operation. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_SET_HASH_ALGORITHM_FN Selects a hash algorithm for use in subsequent operations. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_UPDATE_ENROLLMENT_FN Adds the current feature set to the enrollment object. |
PIBIO_ENGINE_VERIFY_FEATURE_SET_FN Compares the template in the current feature set with a specific template in the database. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_ACCEPT_CALIBRATION_DATA_FN Passes calibration data from the engine adapter to the sensor adapter. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_ACTIVATE_FN Gives the Sensor Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to bring the sensor component out of an idle state. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_ATTACH_FN Adds a sensor adapter to the processing pipeline of the biometric unit. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_CANCEL_FN Cancels all pending sensor operations. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_CLEAR_CONTEXT_FN PIBIO_SENSOR_CLEAR_CONTEXT_FN (winbio_adapter.h) prepares the processing pipeline of the biometric unit for a new operation. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_CONTROL_UNIT_FN PIBIO_SENSOR_CONTROL_UNIT_FN (winbio_adapter.h) performs a vendor-defined control operation that does not require elevated privilege. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_CONTROL_UNIT_PRIVILEGED_FN The PIBIO_SENSOR_CONTROL_UNIT_PRIVILEGED_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h) performs a vendor-defined control operation that requires elevated privileges. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_DEACTIVATE_FN Gives the Sensor Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to put the sensor component into an idle state. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_DETACH_FN Releases adapter specific resources attached to the pipeline. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_EXPORT_SENSOR_DATA_FN Retrieves the most recently captured biometric sample formatted as a standard WINBIO_BIR structure. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_FINISH_CAPTURE_FN The PIBIO_SENSOR_FINISH_CAPTURE_FN callback (winbio_adapter.h) retrieves a value that indicates whether the sensor indicator is on or off. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_GET_INDICATOR_STATUS_FN The PIBIO_SENSOR_GET_INDICATOR_STATUS_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h) retrieves a value that indicates whether the sensor indicator is on or off. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_NOTIFY_POWER_CHANGE_FN Receives notification about a change in the computer power state and prepares the sensor adapter accordingly. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_PIPELINE_CLEANUP_FN Gives the Sensor Adapter the chance to perform any cleanup in that requires help from the Engine or Storage adapter components. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_PIPELINE_INIT_FN Gives the Sensor Adapter the chance to perform any initialization that remains incomplete, and which requires help from the Engine or Storage adapter components. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_PUSH_DATA_TO_ENGINE_FN Makes the current contents of the sample buffer available to the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_QUERY_CALIBRATION_FORMATS_FN Determines the set of calibration formats supported by the Sensor Adapter. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_QUERY_EXTENDED_INFO_FN Determines the capabilities and limitations of the biometric sensor component. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_QUERY_STATUS_FN Retrieves information about the current status of the sensor device. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_RESET_FN Reinitializes the sensor. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_SET_CALIBRATION_FORMAT_FN Notifies the sensor adapter that a particular calibration data format has been selected by the engine adapter. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_SET_INDICATOR_STATUS_FN Toggles the sensor indicator on or off. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_SET_MODE_FN Sets the sensor adapter mode. |
PIBIO_SENSOR_START_CAPTURE_FN Begins an asynchronous biometric capture. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_ACTIVATE_FN Gives the Storage Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to bring the storage component out of an idle state. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_ADD_RECORD_FN Adds a template to the database. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_ATTACH_FN Adds a storage adapter to the processing pipeline of the biometric unit. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_CLEAR_CONTEXT_FN The PIBIO_STORAGE_CLEAR_CONTEXT_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h) prepares the processing pipeline of the biometric unit for a new operation. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_CLOSE_DATABASE_FN Closes the database associated with the pipeline and frees all related resources. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_CONTROL_UNIT_FN The PIBIO_STORAGE_CONTROL_UNIT_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h) performs a vendor-defined control operation that does not require elevated privilege. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_CONTROL_UNIT_PRIVILEGED_FN The PIBIO_STORAGE_CONTROL_UNIT_PRIVILEGED_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h) performs a vendor-defined control operation that requires elevated privilege. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_CREATE_DATABASE_FN Creates and configures a new database. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_DEACTIVATE_FN Gives the Storage Adapter the chance to perform any work needed to put the storage component into an idle state. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_DELETE_RECORD_FN Deletes one or more templates from the database. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_DETACH_FN Releases adapter-specific resources attached to the pipeline.S |
PIBIO_STORAGE_ERASE_DATABASE_FN Erases the database and marks it for deletion. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_FIRST_RECORD_FN Positions the result set cursor on the first record in the set. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_GET_CURRENT_RECORD_FN Retrieves the contents of the current record in the pipeline result set. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_GET_DATA_FORMAT_FN Retrieves format and version information used by the current database associated with the pipeline. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_GET_DATABASE_SIZE_FN Retrieves the database size and available space. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_GET_RECORD_COUNT_FN Retrieves the number of template records in the pipeline result set. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_NEXT_RECORD_FN Advances the result set cursor by one record. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_NOTIFY_POWER_CHANGE_FN Receives notification about a change in the computer power state and prepares the storage adapter accordingly. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_OPEN_DATABASE_FN Opens a database for use by the storage adapter. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_PIPELINE_CLEANUP_FN Gives the Storage Adapter the chance to perform any cleanup in preparation for closing the template database. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_PIPELINE_INIT_FN Gives the Storage Adapter the chance to perform any initialization that remains incomplete. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_QUERY_BY_CONTENT_FN Queries the database that is currently open for templates associated with a specified index vector. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_QUERY_BY_SUBJECT_FN Queries the database that is currently open for templates associated with a specified identity and sub-factor. |
PIBIO_STORAGE_QUERY_EXTENDED_INFO_FN Determines the capabilities and limitations of the biometric storage component. |
WINBIO_ENGINE_INTERFACE Contains pointers to your custom engine adapter functions. |
WINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE Contains pointers to your custom sensor adapter functions. |
WINBIO_STORAGE_INTERFACE Contains pointers to your custom storage adapter functions. |
WINBIO_ADAPTER_INTERFACE_VERSION Contains a major and minor version number used in the engine, sensor, and storage adapter interface tables. |
WINBIO_PIPELINE Contains shared context information used by the sensor, engine, and storage adapter components in a single biometric unit. |
WINBIO_STORAGE_RECORD Contains a biometric template and associated data in a standard format. |