WbioQuerySensorInterface function (winbio_adapter.h)

Retrieves a pointer to the WINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE structure for the sensor adapter.


HRESULT WbioQuerySensorInterface(
  [out] PWINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE *SensorInterface


[out] SensorInterface

Address of a variable that receives a pointer to the WINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE structure.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the function fails, it must return one of the following HRESULT values to indicate the error.

Return code Description
The SensorInterface parameter cannot be NULL.


The Windows Biometric Framework calls this function after loading a sensor adapter DLL into memory. Every sensor adapter DLL must therefore implement and export the WbioQueryEngineInterface function. The function name is case-sensitive, and its spelling and signature must exactly match the description provided in the Syntax section.

To be visible to the Windows Biometric Framework, the WbioQueryEngineInterface function must be named in the EXPORTS section of the export definition linker command file for the DLL.


The following pseudocode shows one possible implementation of this function.

    __out PWINBIO_SENSOR_INTERFACE *SensorInterface
    // g_SensorInterface is a global variable.
    *SensorInterface = &g_SensorInterface;
    return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbio_adapter.h (include Winbio_adapter.h)

See also

Plug-in Functions