uxtheme.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
uxtheme.h contains the following programming interfaces:
BeginBufferedAnimation Begins a buffered animation operation. The animation consists of a cross-fade between the contents of two buffers over a specified period of time. |
BeginBufferedPaint Begins a buffered paint operation. |
BeginPanningFeedback Notifies the system to send feedback about a target window affected by panning gestures. |
BufferedPaintClear Clears a specified rectangle in the buffer to ARGB = {0,0,0,0}. |
BufferedPaintInit Initialize buffered painting for the current thread. |
BufferedPaintRenderAnimation Paints the next frame of a buffered paint animation. |
BufferedPaintSetAlpha Sets the alpha to a specified value in a given rectangle. The alpha controls the amount of transparency applied when blending with the buffer onto the destination target device context (DC). |
BufferedPaintStopAllAnimations Stops all buffered animations for the given window. |
BufferedPaintUnInit Closes down buffered painting for the current thread. Called once for each call to BufferedPaintInit after calls to BeginBufferedPaint are no longer needed. |
CloseThemeData Closes the theme data handle. |
DrawThemeBackground Draws the border and fill defined by the visual style for the specified control part. |
DrawThemeBackgroundEx Draws the background image defined by the visual style for the specified control part. |
DrawThemeEdge Draws one or more edges defined by the visual style of a rectangle. |
DrawThemeIcon Draws an image from an image list with the icon effect defined by the visual style. |
DrawThemeParentBackground Draws the part of a parent control that is covered by a partially-transparent or alpha-blended child control. |
DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx Used by partially-transparent or alpha-blended child controls to draw the part of their parent in front of which they appear. Sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message followed by a WM_PRINTCLIENT. |
DrawThemeText Draws text using the color and font defined by the visual style. |
DrawThemeTextEx Draws text using the color and font defined by the visual style. Extends DrawThemeText by allowing additional text format options. |
EnableThemeDialogTexture Enables or disables the visual style of the background of a dialog window. |
EnableTheming Windows Vista through Windows 7:_Enables or disables visual styles for the current user in the current and later sessions.Windows 8 and later:_This function does nothing. Visual styles are always enabled in Windows 8 and later. |
EndBufferedAnimation Renders the first frame of a buffered animation operation and starts the animation timer. |
EndBufferedPaint Completes a buffered paint operation and frees the associated buffered paint handle. |
EndPanningFeedback Terminates any existing animation that was in process or set up by BeginPanningFeedback and UpdatePanningFeedback. |
GetBufferedPaintBits Retrieves a pointer to the buffer bitmap if the buffer is a device-independent bitmap (DIB). |
GetBufferedPaintDC Gets the paint device context (DC). This is the same value retrieved by BeginBufferedPaint. |
GetBufferedPaintTargetDC Retrieves the target device context (DC). |
GetBufferedPaintTargetRect Retrieves the target rectangle specified by BeginBufferedPaint. |
GetCurrentThemeName Retrieves the name of the current visual style, and optionally retrieves the color scheme name and size name. |
GetThemeAnimationProperty Gets a theme animation property based on the storyboard id and the target id. |
GetThemeAnimationTransform Gets an animation transform operation based on storyboard id, target id and transform index. |
GetThemeAppProperties Retrieves the property flags that control how visual styles are applied in the current application. |
GetThemeBackgroundContentRect Retrieves the size of the content area for the background defined by the visual style. |
GetThemeBackgroundExtent Calculates the size and location of the background, defined by the visual style, given the content area. |
GetThemeBackgroundRegion Computes the region for a regular or partially transparent background that is bounded by a specified rectangle. |
GetThemeBitmap Retrieves the bitmap associated with a particular theme, part, state, and property. |
GetThemeBool Retrieves the value of a BOOL property from the SysMetrics section of theme data. |
GetThemeColor Retrieves the value of a color property. |
GetThemeDocumentationProperty Retrieves the value for a theme property from the documentation section of the specified theme file. |
GetThemeEnumValue Retrieves the value of an enumerated type property. |
GetThemeFilename Retrieves the value of a filename property. |
GetThemeFont Retrieves the value of a font property. |
GetThemeInt Retrieves the value of an int property. |
GetThemeIntList Retrieves a list of int data from a visual style. |
GetThemeMargins Retrieves the value of a MARGINS property. |
GetThemeMetric Retrieves the value of a metric property. |
GetThemePartSize Calculates the original size of the part defined by a visual style. |
GetThemePosition Retrieves the value of a position property. |
GetThemePropertyOrigin Retrieves the location of the theme property definition for a property. |
GetThemeRect Retrieves the value of a RECT property. |
GetThemeStream Retrieves a data stream corresponding to a specified theme, starting from a specified part, state, and property. |
GetThemeString Retrieves the value of a string property. |
GetThemeSysBool Retrieves the Boolean value of a system metric. |
GetThemeSysColor Retrieves the value of a system color. |
GetThemeSysColorBrush Retrieves a system color brush. |
GetThemeSysFont Retrieves the LOGFONT of a system font. |
GetThemeSysInt Retrieves the value of a system int. |
GetThemeSysSize Retrieves the value of a system size metric from theme data. |
GetThemeSysString Retrieves the value of a system string. |
GetThemeTextExtent Calculates the size and location of the specified text when rendered in the visual style font. |
GetThemeTextMetrics Retrieves information about the font specified by a visual style for a particular part. |
GetThemeTimingFunction Gets a predefined timing function based on a timing function identifier. |
GetThemeTransitionDuration Gets the duration for the specified transition. |
GetWindowTheme Retrieves a theme handle to a window that has visual styles applied. |
HitTestThemeBackground Retrieves a hit test code for a point in the background specified by a visual style. |
IsAppThemed Reports whether the current application's user interface displays using visual styles. |
IsCompositionActive Determines whether Desktop Window Manager (DWM) composition effects are available to the theme. |
IsThemeActive Tests if a visual style for the current application is active. |
IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent Retrieves whether the background specified by the visual style has transparent pieces or alpha-blended pieces. |
IsThemeDialogTextureEnabled Reports whether a specified dialog window supports background texturing. |
IsThemePartDefined Retrieves whether a visual style has defined parameters for the specified part and state. |
OpenThemeData Opens the theme data for a window and its associated class. |
OpenThemeDataEx Opens the theme data associated with a window for specified theme classes. |
OpenThemeDataForDpi A variant of OpenThemeData that opens a theme handle associated with a specific DPI. |
SetThemeAppProperties Sets the flags that determine how visual styles are implemented in the calling application. |
SetWindowTheme Causes a window to use a different set of visual style information than its class normally uses. |
SetWindowThemeAttribute Sets attributes to control how visual styles are applied to a specified window. |
SetWindowThemeNonClientAttributes Sets non-client attributes to control how visual styles are applied to a specified window. |
UpdatePanningFeedback Updates clients about state of a window resulting from a panning gesture. This function can only be called after a BeginPanningFeedback call. |
BP_ANIMATIONPARAMS Defines animation parameters for the BP_PAINTPARAMS structure used by BeginBufferedPaint. |
BP_PAINTPARAMS Defines paint operation parameters for BeginBufferedPaint. |
DTBGOPTS Defines the options for the DrawThemeBackgroundEx function. |
DTTOPTS Defines the options for the DrawThemeTextEx function. |
INTLIST Contains an array or list of int data items from a visual style. |
MARGINS Returned by the GetThemeMargins function to define the margins of windows that have visual styles applied. |
WTA_OPTIONS Defines options that are used to set window visual style attributes. |
BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE Used in the BP_ANIMATIONPARAMS structure to declare animation options. |
BP_BUFFERFORMAT Specifies the format of the buffer. Used by BeginBufferedAnimation and BeginBufferedPaint. |
PROPERTYORIGIN Returned by GetThemePropertyOrigin to specify where a property was found. |
THEMESIZE Identifies the type of size value to retrieve for a visual style part. |
WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE Specifies the type of visual style attribute to set on a window. |