ISpatialAudioClient::GetMaxFrameCount method (spatialaudioclient.h)

Gets the maximum possible frame count per processing pass. This method can be used to determine the size of the source buffer that should be allocated to convey audio data for each processing pass.


HRESULT GetMaxFrameCount(
  [in]  const WAVEFORMATEX *objectFormat,
  [out] UINT32             *frameCountPerBuffer


[in] objectFormat

The audio format used to calculate the maximum frame count. This should be the same format specified in the ObjectFormat field of the SpatialAudioObjectRenderStreamActivationParams passed to ActivateSpatialAudioStream.

[out] frameCountPerBuffer

The maximum number of audio frames that will be processed in one pass.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header spatialaudioclient.h

See also
