d3d11on12.h header
This header is used by Direct3D 12 Graphics. For more information, see:
d3d11on12.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ID3D11On12Device Handles the creation, wrapping, and releasing of D3D11 resources for Direct3D11on12. |
ID3D11On12Device1 Enables better interoperability with a component that might be handed a Direct3D 11 device, but which wants to leverage Direct3D 12 instead. |
ID3D11On12Device2 Enables you to take resources created through the Direct3D 11 APIs, and use them in Direct3D 12. |
D3D11On12CreateDevice Creates a device that uses Direct3D 11 functionality in Direct3D 12, specifying a pre-existing Direct3D 12 device to use for Direct3D 11 interop. |
D3D11_RESOURCE_FLAGS Used with ID3D11On12Device::CreateWrappedResourceto override flags that would be inferred by the resource properties or heap properties, including bind flags, misc flags, and CPU access flags. |