Matrix4x4F class (d2d1_1helper.h)
The Matrix4x4F class represents a 4-by-4 matrix and provides convenience methods for creating matrices.
The Matrix4x4F class implements D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F.
The Matrix4x4F class has these methods.
Matrix4x4F::Determinant Calculates the determinant of the matrix. (Matrix4x4F.Determinant) |
Matrix4x4F::IsIdentity Indicates whether this matrix is the identity matrix. (Matrix4x4F.IsIdentity) |
Matrix4x4F::operator* The Matrix4x4F::operator-mult (d2d1_1helper.h) interface multiplies this matrix with the specified matrix and returns the result. |
Matrix4x4F::PerspectiveProjection A perspective transformation given a depth value. |
Matrix4x4F::ReinterpretBaseType Converts the specified D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F matrix to a Matrix4x4F without making a copy. (overload 1/2) |
Matrix4x4F::ReinterpretBaseType Converts the specified D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F matrix to a Matrix4x4F without making a copy. (overload 2/2) |
Matrix4x4F::RotationArbitraryAxis Determines the 3-D Rotation matrix for an arbitrary axis. |
Matrix4x4F::RotationX Rotates the transform matrix around the X axis. |
Matrix4x4F::RotationY Rotates the transform matrix around the Y axis. |
Matrix4x4F::RotationZ Rotates the transform matrix around the Z axis. |
Matrix4x4F::Scale Scales the perspective plane of the matrix. |
Matrix4x4F::SetProduct Multiplies the two matrices and stores the result in this matrix. (Matrix4x4F.SetProduct) |
Matrix4x4F::SkewX Skews the matrix in the X direction. |
Matrix4x4F::SkewY Skews the matrix in the Y direction. |
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d2d1_1helper.h |