Font-Embedding Function Error Messages
The following LONG values are returned by the font-embedding functions when errors are encountered. When functions are successful, the value E_NONE is returned.
Return value | Description |
E_NONE | No error. |
E_ADDFONTFAILED | An error occurred when the load functions tried to add the new font using AddFontResource. |
E_CHARCODECOUNTINVALID | The count of subsetted characters specified in TTEmbedFont is invalid. |
E_CHARCODESETINVALID | The character set specified in TTEmbedFont is invalid. |
E_COULDNTCREATETEMPFILE | The load functions could not create a temporary file needed in to install a new font or resource file. |
E_DEVICETRUETYPEFONT | The specified TrueType® font is not a system font. The font may exist as a device font in a printer. |
E_ERRORACCESSINGEXCLUDELIST | An error occurred while attempting to access the Typeface Exclusion List. |
E_ERRORACCESSINGFACENAME | A non-DC-related error was encountered while trying to allocate an OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure. |
E_ERRORACCESSINGFONTDATA | An error was encountered while attempting to use GetFontData. |
E_ERRORCOMPRESSINGFONTDATA | An error occurred while TTEmbedFont attempted to compress the font data. |
E_ERRORCONVERTINGCHARS | An error prevented the conversion of a string of single-byte characters to Unicode characters. This can occur in TTCharToUnicode if either pucCharCodes or pusShortCodes are non-null values, or if the conversion fails while using MultiByteToWideChar. |
E_ERRORCREATINGFONTFILE | An error occurred while attempting to create the font file. |
E_ERRORDECOMPRESSINGFONTDATA | An error occurred while trying to decompress data in a font file. |
E_ERROREXPANDINGFONTDATA | An error occurred while the load functions attempted to expand embedded, compressed font data. |
E_ERRORGETTINGDC | An error occurred while trying to allocate a DC, halting processing. |
E_ERRORREADINGFONTDATA | An error occurred while attempting to read font data. |
E_ERRORUNICODECONVERSION | An error occurred while allocating memory to convert a name string to Unicode. |
E_ERRORUSINGTEMPFILE | An error occurred while the load functions were using a temporary file to install a new font file or resource file. |
E_EXCEPTION | An exception was thrown by an unknown cause. |
E_FACENAMEINVALID | A null szFaceName parameter was passed to the function. |
E_FLAGSINVALID | The ulFlags parameter in the current function is invalid. |
E_FONTALREADYEXISTS | The embedded font has the same name and checksum as a font already installed on the system. |
E_FONTDATAINVALID | Font data read from disk is not a valid embedded-font structure. |
E_FONTFILECREATEFAILED | The load functions could not create the font file (.ttf) |
E_FONTFILENOTFOUND | The font file of the specified file name does not exist. |
E_FONTINSTALLFAILED | An attempt to install the embedded font in the system failed. |
E_FONTNAMEALREADYEXISTS | The embedded font has the same name but a different checksum as a font already installed. |
E_FONTNOTEMBEDDABLE | The specified font cannot be embedded due to restrictions from the font manufacturer. Embedding this font in a document violates copyright laws. |
E_FONTREFERENCEINVALID | A null phFontReference was passed to the function. |
E_HDCINVALID | The device context specified for the TTEmbedFont function is invalid. |
E_NAMECHANGEFAILED | TTLoadEmbeddedFont was unable to change the name of the font being loaded. |
E_NOFREEMEMORY | An internal operation failed while attempting to allocate memory. |
E_NOOS2 | An OS/2 table was not found in the font. |
E_NOTATRUETYPEFONT | The specified font is not a TrueType font. |
E_PBENABLEDINVALID | A null pbEnabled parameter was passed to the function. |
E_PERMISSIONSINVALID | A null pulPermissions parameter was passed to the function. |
E_PRIVSINVALID | The ulPrivs parameter specified in the load functions is invalid. |
E_PRIVSTATUSINVALID | A null pulPrivStatus parameter was passed to the function. |
E_READFROMSTREAMFAILED | An error occurred while attempting to read the embedded font structure from the stream. |
E_RESOURCEFILECREATEFAILED | The load functions could not create the font resource file (.fot). |
E_SAVETOSTREAMFAILED | An error occurred while attempting to save the embedded-font structure to a stream. |
E_STATUSINVALID | A null pulStatus parameter was passed to the function. |
E_STREAMINVALID | The stream specified in TTEmbedFont or the load functions is invalid. |
E_SUBSETTINGFAILED | TTEmbedFont failed while attempting to create a subset of a font. |
E_T2NOFREEMEMORY | An error occurred while attempting to free memory. The memory in question failed during the free operation. |
E_WINDOWSAPI | An internal error occurred when one of the functions called a Windows API, such as GetTextMetrics or GetOutlineTextMetrics. |
E_API_NOTIMPL | This API function is not implemented in the version of Windows on which it is running. |