DF - Fuzz Misc API test (Reliability)
This test retrieves the security descriptor and changes the security state of devices.
Fuzz Misc API tests
The Fuzz Misc API tests are tests that determine whether the driver can handle a variety of common calls from kernel mode drivers.
The suite tests the following:
Calls to ZwReadFile and ZwWriteFile, specifying valid data buffer pointers, varying lengths (including zero), and varying byte offsets, including zero, -1 and 64-bit bytes offsets.
Calls to cancel I/O and flush buffers.
A series of directory query calls using common file information classes with valid user data buffer pointers and varying buffer lengths (including zero).
Directory query calls similar to those issued by programs running under control of the Virtual DOS Machine (VDM).
Calls to retrieve the extended attributes of a file with varying buffer sizes and lengths.
Calls to create and close section objects, with varying section page protection and sectional allocation attributes (committed section, image file section).
Calls to lock and unlock files.
Calls to retrieve quota entries for a volume.
File Attributes Test, a series of file attribute queries with valid pointers to an ObjectAttributes structure.
The File Attributes Test has an optional zero-length test. While retrieving the extended attributes of a file, the Fuzz test passes a blank (zero-length) query and an invalid buffer address to the driver.
Test binary: Devfund_FuzzTest.dll Test method: DoMiscAPITest
Test details
Specifications |
Platforms |
Supported Releases |
Expected run time (in minutes) | 15 |
Category | Scenario |
Timeout (in minutes) | 180 |
Requires reboot | false |
Requires special configuration | true |
Type | automatic |
Additional documentation
Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):
Running the test
Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Device.Fundamentals Reliability Testing Prerequisites.
For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.
For troubleshooting information specific to the Device Fundamentals tests in the HLK and WDK, see Device.DevFund additional documentation.
More information
Parameter name | Parameter description |
DQ | A WDTF SDEL query that is used to identify the target device(s) - https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=232678 |
Wpa2PskAesSsid | Required ONLY if DUT or one of its child devices is a WiFi adapter. Please provide SSID of a WPA2 AES WiFi network that the test can use to test the WiFi adapter. The default is 'kitstestssid'. |
Wpa2PskPassword | Required ONLY if DUT or one of its child devices is a WiFi adapter. Please provide password of the WPA2 AES WiFi network specified using the Wpa2PskAesSsid parameter. The default is 'password'. |
ChangeBufferProtectionFlags | True or False. Changes the memory protection flags of buffers passed to the tested device. The memory protection flags alternates between no access, read-only, and read-only with page guard. |
Impersonate | True or False. Runs the test as a non administrative user. |
FillZeroPageWithNull | True or False. Maps the zero page and fills it with NULL values. This test identifies drivers that do not verify a pointer reference before dereferencing a pointer. |
DoPoolCheck | True or False. Monitors the driver's use of the paged and nonpaged system memory pools by using pool tags and lookaside lists. This option also monitors changes in the number of exceptions handled which might indicate errors in exception handling. |
DoSync | True or False. Also opens device handles in SYNC mode (FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT). Random read and write operations are skipped. |
TestCycles | Number of test cycles. |
DriverVerifierAdditionalDrivers | Additional drivers that should have Driver Verifier enabled |
DriverVerifierExcludedFlags | Placeholder for Driver Verifier flags that may be manually excluded for the test run |
WDKDeviceID | Device id of device under test |
QueryHardwareID | Hardware id of device under test |
WDTFREMOTESYSTEM | Required ONLY if DUT or one of its child devices is a wired NIC that doesn't have an IPv6 gateway address. If determined to be required, please provide an IPv6 address that the test NIC can ping to test network I/O. Eg: fe80::78b6:810:9c12:46cd |
DriverVerifierCustomizeConfiguration | Specifies that this test may want to automatically update Driver Verifier settings |