Ratetest (WoW64)

This automated test verifies that the video card hardware supports a resolution of 800 × 600 pixels, a color depth of 16 bits per pixel (bpp), a 16-bit Z buffer, double frame buffering, and a 75-Hertz (Hz) refresh rate in full-screen 3-D graphics mode.

The test switches to all enumerated Graphics Device Interface (GDI) display modes, all available low-resolution GDI modes (less than 640 × 480 pixels), and enumerated Microsoft® DirectDraw full-screen modes. The test then intersects these two sets of modes and validates that the set of Microsoft DirectX® enumerated modes exists in the set of GDI enumerated modes.

The test switches to these modes and validates that the refresh rate actually produced by the card matches the refresh rate that the driver indicates. The test validates the refresh rate by using IDirectDraw::GetVerticalBlankStatus. After each mode is set, the test displays an MS-DOS window to make sure that virtualization of VGA hardware works correctly for each mode.

Test details

  • Device.Graphics.AdapterRender.D3D10Core.D3D10CorePrimary
  • Windows 10, client editions (x64)
  • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
  • Windows 10, client editions (Arm64)
Supported Releases
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10, version 1511
  • Windows 10, version 1607
  • Windows 10, version 1703
  • Windows 10, version 1709
  • Windows 10, version 1803
  • Windows 10, version 1809
  • Windows 10, version 1903
  • Next update to Windows 10
Expected run time (in minutes) 60
Category Compatibility
Timeout (in minutes) 3600
Requires reboot false
Requires special configuration false
Type automatic


Additional documentation

Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):

Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Graphic Adapter or Chipset Testing Prerequisites.


   The Super VGA (SVGA)-compatible monitor that is attached to the system that you are testing must support the minimum display resolution and refresh rate that were specified earlier.



For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.

For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Graphics Testing.

More information

The test first verifies the requirements in software by querying the DirectDraw capabilities. Then, it verifies the requirements in hardware by selecting the specified settings and displaying a predefined scene. The following steps describe the process in detail:

  1. The test creates a DirectDraw object with the DirectDrawCreate function by using the DDCREATE_HARDWAREONLY option. This action forces a HAL device to be used, instead of a HEL device.

  2. By using the DirectDraw IDirectDraw4:EnumDisplayModes function, the test verifies the following values in the DDSURFACEDESC2 structure as valid choices:

    • dwWidth = 800 (dwWidth = 640 for mobile systems)

    • dwHeight = 600 (dwHeight = 480 for mobile systems)

    • dwRefreshRate = 75 (or 0 for drivers that do not report this value)

  3. The DDPIXELFORMAT structure verifies that the following are valid choices:

    • dwRGBBitCount = 16

    • dwZBufferBitDepth = 16

  4. The SetCooperativeLevel function selects the DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE and DDSCL_FULLSCREEN options.

  5. The test calls SetDisplayMode to set the display to 800 × 600 × 16 and the refresh rate to 75 Hz. If the 75-Hz value fails, the test uses a refresh-rate value of 0 (default).

  6. The test calls CreateSurface for the primary surface, the back buffer, and the Z buffer.

  7. The test calls the Direct3D CreateDevice function by using the IID_IDirect3DHALDevice class identifier to allow access to the 3-D graphics hardware device.

  8. All other 3-D graphics tests that are specified use a double-buffered surface to verify compliance with the requirement for double frame buffering.

The test application displays and logs a pass-or-fail indication of compliance with this requirement. Any of the device setup steps in the preceding list can generate failures. Any detected failure generates additional information that clearly identifies the noncompliant issue.

Command Syntax

Command option Description


Runs the test job.


   For command-line help for this test binary, type /h.


File List

File Location













Parameter name Parameter description
LLU_NetAccessOnly The name of your machine's LLU
MONITOR Display Number to run test against.
ConfigDisplayCommandLine Custom Command Line for ConfigDisplay. Default: logo
TDRArgs /get or /set