Miniport drivers use the NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY status indication to report the NIC's hardware timestamping capabilities and the miniport driver's software timestamping capabilities to NDIS and overlying drivers.

This status indication represents the timestamping capabilities of the hardware and miniport driver, not which capability is currently enabled or disabled. For more information on reporting the current timestamping configuration, see NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CURRENT_CONFIG.


During initialization, the miniport driver should indicate its hardware and software timestamp capabilities from within its MiniportInitializeEx function. The driver should:

  1. Initialize an NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES structure with the NIC's hardware and software timestamp capabilities. The driver sets the members of the NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES structure as follows:

    • The driver uses the TimestampFlags field to indicate the hardware and software timestamp capabilities.


    An implementation must support hardware timestamps and cross timestamps. Supporting software timestamps is optional.

    • The driver must set the CrossTimestamp field to TRUE.

    • The HardwareClockFrequencyHz field should contain the nominal operating frequency of the hardware clock used for timestamping by the NIC. This data may be used to display the nominal clock frequency to end users for informational purposes.

    • The Type field in the Header field should be set to NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT and the Revision to NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES_REVISION_1.

  2. Generate an NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY status indication by calling NdisMIndicateStatusEx to report the timestamping capabilities. The StatusBuffer field of the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure should point to the initialized NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES structure.

The miniport driver must also generate the NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY status indication whenever it detects a change in underlying hardware capabilities.

Here's how a miniport driver might indicate its supported timestamping capabilities:

// From within its initialization routine, the miniport in this 
// example indicates that it supports the following capabilities:
// - PtpV2OverUdpIPv4EventMsgReceiveHw
// - PtpV2OverUdpIPv6EventMsgReceiveHw
// - TaggedTransmitHw
// - CrossTimestamp

NDIS_STATUS MiniportInitializeEx(
    _In_ NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle,
    _In_ NDIS_HANDLE MiniportDriverContext,
    _In_ PNDIS_MINIPORT_INIT_PARAMETERS MiniportInitParameters
. . .
    NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES timeStampCapabilities;
. . .

    // Initialize an NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES structure

    RtlZeroMemory(&timeStampCapabilities, sizeof(timeStampCapabilities));
    RtlZeroMemory(&timeStampStatus, sizeof(timeStampStatus));

    timeStampCapabilities.Header.Type = NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT;
    timeStampCapabilities.Header.Size = sizeof(timeStampCapabilities);
    timeStampCapabilities.Header.Revision = NDIS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITIES_REVISION_1;

    timeStampCapabilities.CrossTimestamp = TRUE;
    timeStampCapabilities.TimestampFlags.PtpV2OverUdpIPv4EventMsgReceiveHw = TRUE;
    timeStampCapabilities.TimestampFlags.PtpV2OverUdpIPv6EventMsgReceiveHw = TRUE;
    timeStampCapabilities.TimestampFlags.TaggedTransmitHw = TRUE;

    timeStampCapabilities.HardwareClockFrequencyHz = 150000;

    timeStampStatus.Header.Type = NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_STATUS_INDICATION;
    timeStampStatus.Header.Revision = NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION_REVISION_1;

    timeStampStatus.SourceHandle = MiniportAdapterHandle;
    timeStampStatus.StatusBuffer = &timeStampCapabilities;
    timeStampStatus.StatusBufferSize = sizeof(timeStampCapabilities);
    timeStampStatus.StatusCode = NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY;

    // Generate an NDIS_STATUS_TIMESTAMP_CAPABILITY status indication
    NdisMIndicateStatusEx(MiniportAdapterHandle, &timeStampStatus);
. . .


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 11
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2022
NDIS Version NDIS 6.82 and later
Header Ntddndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also

Reporting timestamping capabilities and current configuration



