IWDFDevice2 interface (wudfddi.h)
[Warning: UMDF 2 is the latest version of UMDF and supersedes UMDF 1. All new UMDF drivers should be written using UMDF 2. No new features are being added to UMDF 1 and there is limited support for UMDF 1 on newer versions of Windows 10. Universal Windows drivers must use UMDF 2. For more info, see Getting Started with UMDF.]
Drivers obtain the IWDFDevice2 interface by calling IWDFDevice::QueryInterface.
The IWDFDevice2 interface inherits from IWDFDevice. IWDFDevice2 also has these types of members:
- Methods
The IWDFDevice2 interface has these methods.
IWDFDevice2::AssignS0IdleSettings The AssignS0IdleSettings method provides driver-supplied information that the framework uses when a device is idle and the system is in its working (S0) state. |
IWDFDevice2::AssignSxWakeSettings The AssignSxWakeSettings method provides driver-supplied information about a device's ability to trigger a wake signal while both the device and the system are in a low-power state. |
IWDFDevice2::CreateRemoteInterface The CreateRemoteInterface method creates a remote interface object that represents a device interface. |
IWDFDevice2::CreateRemoteTarget The CreateRemoteTarget method creates a remote target object that represents a remote I/O target. |
IWDFDevice2::CreateSymbolicLinkWithReferenceString TheCreateSymbolicLinkWithReferenceString method creates a symbolic link name, and optionally, a reference string, for a device. |
IWDFDevice2::GetDeviceStackIoTypePreference The GetDeviceStackIoTypePreference method retrieves the buffer access methods that the framework is using for a device. |
IWDFDevice2::GetSystemPowerAction The GetSystemPowerAction method returns the system power action, if any, that is currently occurring for the computer. |
IWDFDevice2::RegisterRemoteInterfaceNotification The RegisterRemoteInterfaceNotification method registers a driver to receive a notification when a specified device interface becomes available. |
IWDFDevice2::ResumeIdle The ResumeIdle method informs the framework that the device is not in use and can be placed in a device low-power state if it remains idle. |
IWDFDevice2::StopIdle The StopIdle method informs the framework that the device must be placed in its working (D0) power state. |
Requirement | Value |
End of support | Unavailable in UMDF 2.0 and later. |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Minimum UMDF version | 1.9 |
Header | wudfddi.h (include Wudfddi.h) |